Got 10th place and 99th percentile with 12/12 in a #LearnedLeague one day... my best ever! Of course lost on monies to some Apple expert @dmoren π
Yesterday's #LearnedLeague question on moldboard plows is one of those rare times I got to use the ag part of my ag meteorology degree! I could go on about conventional vs conservation vs no till practices and how storing carbon in soil is really not all that great of a carbon sequestration plan. #LL97
Finished #LearnedLeague #LL96 at 3rd place in the top tier of Orange league, punching my ticket to the #LL Championship this summer!
I also finished 1st out of 24 in the furry rundle, LLamas and Other Animals. π¦
Well, I survived my first year in a B League. But only barely. I fell into the relegation zone on match day 14 and only got out again by winning the final match of the season to finish 27th. π
I came 22nd (out of 32) on total correct answers, had one of the better defensive efficiencies, but was 6th on correct answers against (everyone seemed to have a great day when they played me!), which meant I was in a tight spot all season.
I live to fight another day. π
As part of this morning's #LearnedLeague questions, I made a list of countries in Asia. I got to 39/41 before I recalled the one I was trying to remember. But! I was right.
Todayβs #LearnedLeague trivia questions are killing me because I feel like I *should* know the answers to all of them.
Obligatory new #introduction post for the new server with hashtags, etc. So, #EdTech job by day, interests: #Books (mainly #mystery, but also #SF, #lit, #horror and nonfic which seems pointless to hash). Also into #Boardgames and pro #wrestling (#AEW), plus tons of assorted TV and music. My main computer game is #KingdomOfLoathing. Also a #LearnedLeague player. Lives in #Waltham. Jewish, agnostic, etc. Politics are to the left. Far to the left. He/him/his pronouns
#introduction #edtech #books #mystery #sf #lit #horror #boardgames #wrestling #aew #kingdomofloathing #learnedleague #waltham
Good luck to everyone starting the new Learned League season today! I'm nearly promoted to a B league and, I know I said this last season when I was in a C league but this time it's definitely true, I'm fully prepared to get a kicking this season. π
Aww, man, I just got yeeted from the #learnedleague rundle I've been in for years due to league realignment. This is strangely unsettling!
Well, hush my mouth! I *did* get a strong finish on the Learned League BBC One-Day Special. I finished in 2nd place (out of 468). It's all downhill from here.
Very pleased at how well today's Learned League One-Day Special on the BBC went for me. I got my first 12 out of 12 in an ODS, although I do regret playing my money questions so conservatively. That will have cost me a chance at a really strong finish.
@Beatlesandworms The #WeakestLink app is really fun! I'm also in #LearnedLeague.
A friend is asking if there are #Mastodon #instances for #quizBowl or #learnedLeague or just general #trivia. Any suggestions?
#mastodon #instances #quizbowl #learnedleague #trivia
This #LearnedLeague #trivia question was a highlight from this season:
"A multicolor tri-pipped bone" would oddly but accurately describe the logo for what American company founded in Michigan in 1960?
Just wrapped up my most successful #LearnedLeague season yet, coming in first, with my cria right behind me in second. My mama llama was so close to promotion in fourthβvery nearly a trifecta.
Ended #LearnedLeague LL95 the classic A Rundle way - got a perfect 9(6) which resulted in... a tie that dropped me 2 spots and resulted in my tied-worst-ever LL finish and my first season ever without an award (the last time I finished 5th I won the league Sandra award). Boo!
Incredibly, my good season actually lasted and I find myself finishing in 4th place in C Memorial Div 1. B league, here I come! And, this time, I'm definitely heading straight into a relegation battle. π
Completed yet another successful season of keeping my head above water and not getting demoted from A in #learnedleague. Anyone else play this season, how did you do?