BBC Alba: SpeakGaelic | Sùil Air Sreath 3 | BBC ALBA Sùil air Sreath 3 SpeakGaelic, a' tighinn air an 9mh den Fhaoilleach 2023. Faic an seo e:
A look at Series 3 of SpeakGaelic, coming on the 9th of January. See it here: @SpeakGaelic
#iplayer #bbcalba #speakgaelic #joydunlop #calummaclean #learngaelic
Fo-sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉
#iplayer #bbcalba #speakgaelic #joydunlop #calummaclean #learngaelic
Gaelic word of the Week blog – Mun Cuairt mun cuairt! #gaidhlig #Gaelic_learning #gaelic_word_of_the_week #learngaelic #Uncategorized #gàidhlig @gaidhlig Le Oifigear Gàidhlig Each week we record our Gaelic Word of the Week podcast and post the text here with added facts, figures and photos for Gaelic learners who want to learn a little about the language and about the Scottish Pa
#Gaidhlig #Gaelic_learning #gaelic_word_of_the_week #learngaelic #Uncategorized #gàidhlig