Harry W. · @hazz223
67 followers · 250 posts · Server mstdn.social

It's a right of passage as a web developer to perform a major upgrade 😬.

I've asked one of my mid level dev's to do it, and while I feel bad (as they're never fun), I know it'll bring a load of understanding around how works and fits together. It'll also help with what new features are available.

#learnin #Programming #Spring #springboot #Java

Last updated 1 year ago

MineEyesDazzle · @evedazzle
182 followers · 729 posts · Server mas.to

There's a lot to digest in this post, but I want to highlight the section on Lance Eaton's development plan (Temporary Policy, Sharing it with students, Sharing it with faculty) for preparing to craft policy/approach to ChatGPT with the help of his students and the What's Next? webinars... byanyothernerd.com/2023/01/cha

#institutionalpolicy #academicdishonesty #academicintegrity #ethics #policy #education #learnin #UniversityStudents #collegestudents #academia #highereducation #highered #chatgpt

Last updated 2 years ago

Pascal Garber · @jumplink
5 followers · 35 posts · Server floss.social

Learning Rust with ChatGPT and Copilot? It's working for Simon Willison! simonwillison.net/2022/Dec/5/r He's using this year's Advent of Code as an opportunity to learn the programming language, with ChatGPT acting as a study partner and Copilot providing syntax and snippet assistance. So far, the results have been promising and it's been a lot of fun. Could AI-assisted learning be the future of programming education?

#learnin #AI #Rust

Last updated 2 years ago