Can't image due to much needed rain in the extreme drought suffering corn belt MidWest so going through and doing quick processing on old unprocessed images from 2022 trying to master PixInsight.
#learningCurve #ic443 #astrophotography
Here is a #Medium article that addresses #projectmanagement and #agileprojectmanagement methodologies on #datascience projects, i.e., use #agile. It is similar to one I read recently, which suggested agile because with data science many are on a #learningcurve, and the probability of #project #risks being realized is high.
It skipped over the importance of understanding early on what you want from the analysis (i.e. first time right #requirements). #worthreading
#worthreading #requirements #risks #project #learningCurve #agile #datascience #agileprojectmanagement #projectmanagement #medium
Masking: It’s Not Just for COVID
Yesterday I went into my mail store in my neighborhood in Alki, Seattle, masked of course. Both employees wore N95 masks, one because they had a cold (not COVID) and didn’t want to infect anyone and the other because they has allergies, pollen counts are high and masking works for them without the need for taking allergy meds.
#mask #MaskUp #learningCurve #CovidIsNotOver #multipurpose
Well,an edit function is grand, but I just learned that editing and redrafting also breaks the thread.
Oops. Sorry, folks. #LearningCurve
😂 I think I just figured out that the 15+ counter attached to the web interface Notifications view is the number of notifications currently displayed and not new notifications I haven't viewed yet. I was getting mildly annoyed that this number was not clearing since I know I viewed those notifications already. #NewToMastodon #LearningCurve #LearningIsFun
#learningisfun #learningCurve #newtomastodon
@crcarlin Ha! I suspect it's at least partially dependent on who a given person follows. If they're only following 5 people they know closely and that's all that they look at in their feeds, then yeah, it probably feels super close-knit.
Maybe also lack of familiarity with the ability to mark posts as less-than-public?
I worry that folks on here are liable to post private things thinking it's only visible to a small audience and they will learn the hard way that that's not the case.
This is part sketch, part etch of my cat on drafting film. I don’t like it as well as hot pressed paper, but am still very much experimenting 🙂 #ColouredPencil #TabbyCat #LearningCurve #CatArt
#colouredpencil #tabbycat #learningCurve #catart
Its chill vibe suits me. It's easy to use once one gets over the #learningcurve fear, like I had. Day 1 was all about the learning how to navigate around here. I started enjoying being here on Day 2. Day 3 was all about finding the right app for my mobile devices. And now, Day 4, is maximising #mastodon use on mobile.
#Mastodon #learningcurve Day 2. I didn't click on the "notification bell" of all the accounts I started following. So I had to go through all of them one by one again so that their posts will appear on my Notification column. Do it before you have an unmanageable number of accounts to go back to. 😅
Day 2 on #Mastodon. As a #newbie , I learned to look for the people I follow on Twitter who are now on Mastodon by using #Debirdify. And hello to @marvicleonen 🙂 #learningcurve
#mastodon #newbie #Debirdify #learningCurve
For all #medtwitter friends. Would be happy to help and assist in migrating to #mastadon and mitigating the #LearningCurve. I am available at @santam but many are joining #MedMastadon.
#medmastadon #learningCurve #mastadon #medtwitter
@keith @pramsey342 It’s also helpful to put hashtags at the end of posts (more available toot characters here!), caption your photos/gifs, and use Camel Case (capitalizing each word in a hashtag) since it’s helpful for Mastodonians that use app readers for various visual impairments. #LearningCurve
#curious #learningCurve #rock #rnb #jazz #RockNRoll #history #mystery #Science #writing #Cooking #travel #hiking #walking #exercise #democracy #parrenting #foodie
Hey, I can tell him new unmastered on when it took me 15 minutes to figure out how to create and post what you’re reading right now. Didn’t even occur to me to click the PUBLISH button. I’m hardwired to look for the pen and paper icon. Got a shift my thinking! #mastodon #MastodonMigration #TwitterSurvivor #IGotThis #LearningCurve #Duh
#mastodon #mastodonmigration #twittersurvivor #IGotThis #learningCurve #duh
@ChrisLangdon it’s been hit-or-miss for me the last couple of days. Sometimes it loads sometimes not. #learningCurve #mastodongrowingpains
#learningCurve #mastodongrowingpains
@CodingItWrong @adamdavidson @cwebber I’ve had great communications with people sharing links and offering guidance. In that respect, Mastodon is very user friendly. People are helpful! #helpfulhint #learningCurve #friendly
#helpfulhint #learningCurve #friendly
@adamdavidson I’m still trying to figure it out. 😉 I’m sure it will come though. #learningCurve
@spaceotter @JoyceVance the willingness of people to help is really nice. It’s a pleasant change.
@couts I’m finding the learning curve to be challenging but people seem to be very helpful giving suggestions and encouragement. #mastodon #learningCurve