Let’s bring back into the limelight Jurgen Schmidhuber’s ~2009 take on compression as the root of a lot that goes on in learning and its impact/causality on beauty, novelty, boringness/interestingness, and action selection.
“Driven by compression progress: A simple principle explains essential aspects of subjective beauty, novelty, surprise, interestingness, attention, curiosity, creativity, art, science, music, jokes” by Schmidhuber 2008. https://arxiv.org/pdf/0812.4360
#neuralnetworks #learningandmemory #neuroscience
Quite the proposal that upturns a long unquestioned mechanism of associative memory: “cAMP level is an unlikely candidate for serving as a memory engram. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate that cAMP has an adverse impact on the release of acetylcholine from KCs. Accordingly, we postulate that, during conditioning, cAMP depresses KCs, thereby skewing the valence of the CS+ odor towards a more aversive state for the conditioned flies, ultimately culminating in the formation of aversive memories.”
#mushroombody #learningandmemory #drosophila
"Flexible specificity of memory in Drosophila depends on a comparison between choices", by Modi et al. 2023 (Glenn Turner's lab) https://elifesciences.org/articles/80923
"A memory too specific will be useless in even a slightly different environment, while an overly general memory may lead to suboptimal choices."
"Rather than forming memories that strike a balance between specificity and generality, Drosophila can flexibly categorize a given stimulus into different groups depending on the options available."
#drosophila #mushroombody #learningandmemory #neuroscience
Wow Scott—the abstract alone is like a mini neuroscience conference on learning and memory. Looking forward to reading it slowly.
Meanwhile: could you tell us about the voltage imaging? Any caveats?
#Drosophila #neuroscience #LearningAndMemory #MushroomBody #KenyonCells #engran #MultisensoryIntegration
#multisensoryintegration #engran #kenyoncells #mushroombody #learningandmemory #neuroscience #drosophila
Upcoming learning & memory conference: the mushroom body meeting 2023 has been announced!
When: 30th May – 1st June
Where: Göttingen, Germany
Register at: https://mushroom-body-meeting.org/registration/
Organized by André Fiala, Ilona Grunwald Kadow and Yoshi Aso.
Speaker list: https://mushroom-body-meeting.org/speakers/
#learning #learningandmemory #drosophila #neuroscience
Xianshuai Zeng presenting results from Project 2 at SFN 2022 in San Diego.
@SfN_Events #episodicmemory #compneuro #spatiallearning #learningandmemory
#episodicmemory #compneuro #spatiallearning #learningandmemory
Hi everyone!
I am an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Biology at #HopeCollege (#PUI). I study #Behavior and #Neuroimmunology in mice and humans. My research uses #drugs of abuse (i.e. #morphine and #alcohol) and #space radiation to probe how peripheral #immune responses impact #cognition . I #teach and #mentor #undergraduates (#STEM) how to think about #science and challenge them to question HOW they know content. Here are some other topics/tags that I am fond of: #drugsofabuse #spaceradiation #learningandmemory #adultneurogenesis #microglia #macrophage #mentalhealth
#introduction #HopeCollege #neuroimmunology #drugs #morphine #alcohol #mentor #undergraduates #stem #science #spaceradiation #Microglia #learningandmemory #mentalhealth #PUI #behavior #space #immune #cognition #teach #drugsofabuse #adultneurogenesis #macrophage
Autism-linked mutation alters neuronal network activity
#excitatorysignaling #synapticplasticity #learningandmemory #geneexpression #neuralnetworks #schizophrenia #connectivity #rarevariants #epigenetics #technology #epilepsy #autism #News
#excitatorysignaling #synapticplasticity #learningandmemory #geneexpression #neuralnetworks #schizophrenia #connectivity #rarevariants #epigenetics #technology #epilepsy #autism #news
Faulty inhibition foils long-term memory in Rett mice
#excitatorysignaling #inhibitorysignaling #learningandmemory #neuralcircuits #Rettsyndrome #hippocampus #mousemodels #learning #seizures #autism #MECP2 #News
#excitatorysignaling #inhibitorysignaling #learningandmemory #neuralcircuits #Rettsyndrome #hippocampus #mousemodels #learning #seizures #autism #MECP2 #news
Location prompts fragile X protein to flip its function
#signalingimbalance #synapticplasticity #learningandmemory #fragileXsyndrome #hippocampus #seizures #synapses #autism #News #FMRP
#signalingimbalance #synapticplasticity #learningandmemory #fragileXsyndrome #hippocampus #seizures #synapses #autism #news #FMRP
New method spotlights synaptic plasticity in living mice
#synapticplasticity #learningandmemory #Toolbox #autism
#synapticplasticity #learningandmemory #Toolbox #autism
Myelin loss may explain how autism-linked DNA deletion affects cognition
#copynumbervariation #learningandmemory #geneexpression #neuralcircuits #hippocampus #mousemodels #treatments #attention #autism #cortex #22q11 #News
#copynumbervariation #learningandmemory #geneexpression #neuralcircuits #hippocampus #mousemodels #treatments #attention #autism #Cortex #22q11 #news
Brain stimulation improves memory in autism mouse models
#inhibitorysignaling #connectivitytheory #synapticplasticity #learningandmemory #neuralcircuits #connectivity #Rettsyndrome #hippocampus #News #GABA
#inhibitorysignaling #connectivitytheory #synapticplasticity #learningandmemory #neuralcircuits #connectivity #Rettsyndrome #hippocampus #news #GABA
What studying worms, flies and fish says about autism
#learningandmemory #sensoryperception #geneexpression #neuralcircuits #spokenversion #Drosophila #technology #C.elegans #zebrafish #DeepDive #CNTNAP2 #autism #SHANK3 #sleep #PTEN
#learningandmemory #Sensoryperception #geneexpression #neuralcircuits #spokenversion #Drosophila #technology #c #zebrafish #DeepDive #CNTNAP2 #autism #SHANK3 #sleep #PTEN
Blocking key pathway reverses brain, behavior changes in autism mouse model
#learningandmemory #motorskills #mousemodels #treatments #autism #MECP2 #News
#learningandmemory #motorskills #mousemodels #treatments #autism #MECP2 #news
Huda Zoghbi: Taking genetic inquiry to the next level
#learningandmemory #neuralcircuits #spokenversion #Rettsyndrome #motorskills #mousemodels #Xchromosome #treatments #Profiles #autism #memory #videos #MECP2 #News
#learningandmemory #neuralcircuits #spokenversion #Rettsyndrome #motorskills #mousemodels #Xchromosome #treatments #profiles #autism #memory #videos #MECP2 #news