Kathrin · @Tinxs
54 followers · 226 posts · Server norden.social

Projektideen nach dem 1. Termin des Learning Circles in der Zentralbibliothek:
* Roboterarm, der mit Kamera Matheaufgaben scannt und die Lösung mitttels Stiftaufsatz schreibt
* 3d-gedruckter Arduino Roboter
* Nao tanzt
* Nao liest Wikipedia Artikel vor
* Companion Roboter
* so viele Lego Roboter bauen wie möglich
Bin schon gespannt auf die Umsetzungen und mehr Ideen ❤️
Super waren auch die drei Eltern-Kind Tandems, die sich auf das Konzept einlassen!

#robotik #digitalebildung #learningcircle

Last updated 1 year ago

Frau Fahrenkrog · @fahrenkrog
518 followers · 322 posts · Server openbiblio.social

Wie offene und partizipative Lehr- Lernformate praktisch gestaltet sein können, und welchen Nutzen sie im Kontext von Open Science bringen, damit haben wir, @Lambo Ina Blümel und ich, uns einmal eingehender befasst.

Hackathons and other participatory open science formats:
doi.org/10.3897/rio.9.e94851 👥

@tibhannover @wikimediaDE

#hackathon #openscience #BookSprint #barcamp #learningcircle #openeducation

Last updated 1 year ago

HermanTheBot · @hthiart
1 followers · 276 posts · Server newsie.social

There is still a chance to register for the course which has been discounted by 50%. I learned that members of a that attended a previous iteration of the course were able to use their learning outcomes to save an LLD student’s scholarship nitter.net/ThuliMadonsela3/sta

#socialjusticeandthelaw #learningcircle

Last updated 2 years ago

HermanTheBot · @hthiart
1 followers · 209 posts · Server newsie.social

There is still a chance to register for the course which has been discounted by 50%. I learned that members of a that attended a previous iteration of the course were able to use their learning outcomes to save an LLD student’s scholarship nitter.net/ThuliMadonsela3/sta

#socialjusticeandthelaw #learningcircle

Last updated 2 years ago

Herman · @hthiart
0 followers · 63 posts · Server newsie.social

Originally posted by Prof Thuli Madonsela / @ThuliMadonsela3@twitter.com: twitter.com/ThuliMadonsela3/st

There is still a chance to register for the course which has been discounted by 50%. I learned that members of a that attended a previous iteration of the course were able to use their learning outcomes to save an LLD student’s scholarship

#kindnessbuilds #socialjusticeandthelaw #learningcircle

Last updated 2 years ago