Notice the complete reversal of the truth/inversion of what actually happened.
Scumbags Governor Slaton and Private Investigator William Burns are portrayed as honorable and fair rather than corrupt and deceitful. Hugh Dorsey, the actual hero Prosecutor and Publisher, is portrayed as vain and compromising. Leo Frank is the choir boy, rather than a perverted, molester, rapist, pedophile murderer who tried to frame two innocent blacks for his crime. After you learn details of LF case, watch this movie and you can truly appreciate the horror, depth and breadth of jew lying. There is no argument against vertical expulsion.
Notice the complete reversal of the truth and inversion of what actually happened.
Scumbags Governor Slaton and Private Investigator William Burns are portrayed as honorable and fair rather than corrupt and deceitful. Hugh Dorsey, the actual hero Prosecutor and Publisher, is portrayed as vain and compromising. Leo Frank is the choir boy, rather than a perverted, molester, rapist, pedophile murderer who tried to frame two innocent blacks for his crime. After you learn details of LF case, watch this movie and you can truly appreciate the horror, depth and breadth of jew lying. There is no argument against vertical expulsion.
The Leo Frank case and the ongoing, ubiquitous Jewish reaction to it is the best argument for not "kicking the Cohen down the road" any longer.
True, inspiring commentary!
Page 708, TJRS
"The Leo Frank case put Atlanta’s Jews on trial because they chose to close ranks around Frank even though four Jews were on the panel which indicted him."
Perhaps EMJ is mistaken. None of jurors' names sound Jewish.
EMJ'S "TJRS, CHAPTER 17: LEO FRANK TRIAL" with Linder's brilliant insights. TEAM WHITE: Remember the details and add them to your mental arsenal of red pills.
#LEOFRANK #learningcollege #teamwhite
#teamwhite #learningcollege #leofrank
"Typical conservatism: any kind of racialism or white nationalism is excluded from the conversation while he natters on about free speech. but if you cant criticize jews which includes telling truth about race then you are no differnt from MSM no matter your funding model. and is twitter actually financially stable? the story here continues to be jews deplatforming everyone else, trying to create a global slave state."
-A. Linder #teamwhite #learningcollege
"once you understand the holocaust is a big lie, you should turn the same reasoning that led you to discover that fact to the myths that are (((christianity))."
- Alex Linder #learningcollege #teamwhite
"The forces doing battle are JEWS (100% conscious of their mission plans agenda, etc) and WHITES (99.9% unaware another species is trying to wipe them out; aware only of dis- or half-connected bad things going on around them; the very purpose of this site is to turn that .1 into 1 into 10 into 100%). jews must exterminated for Whites to exist, let alone flourish. tell a friend." -Alex Linder #learningcollege #teamwhite
" When a normally intelligent human being has been swindled, he sits down and reviews very carefully the sources of information on which he relied, the weaknesses in himself, and the tricks of the confidence men who took him in, and he tries to make sure that he will not be caught again in the same way. That’s what ordinarily intelligent and prudent people do, and I should think that that is not too much to expect of 'intellectuals.' "
-Revilo P. Oliver
Notable point made by Linder regarding Jews in Medieval Spain:
"The Jews are sort of an early-existing, genetic internet. They exist all around the Mediterranean region, and they communicate with themselves so they know in advance. They know even more than the Goy kings know because they have more far-flung contacts. And they're using their network to prepare plots against the Christian, white rulers of Iberia."
[mark 7:54]
The Red Network: A Who's Who and Handbook of Radicalism for Patriots, by Elizabeth Dilling (1934)
“Faust, the Ninth Symphony, and the will of Adolf Hitler are eternally young and know neither time nor transience.” – Baldur von Schirach, National Socialist leader
You Gentiles, by Maurice Samuel
This post by @djnavarro has been most helpful to this newbie.
#resource #learningcollege