I'm at least familiar with the latter word in the form of phrases like 「本当に好きです」(I really like it) or 「本当か?」(Really?). #learningjapanese
I came across this on a YouTube playlist.
400本の動画 (yohyakupon no douga)
This translates as "400 videos". But「本」(hon) means book. 「動画」(douga) is video. My first thought was this should be something like "400 videos of books", which didn't make sense.
After looking this up apparently「本」is also used as a counter.
As an aside, it also means principal or main, as in 「本社」(honsha - main office), or real, as in「本名」(honmyou - real name) or「本当」(hontou - fact/reality/truth). #learningjapanese
Nothing beats Chase Colburns Kanji Study app but this is a good start:
A new tool for learning to read Japanese on Duolingo
> Duolingo has a new feature for reading kanji, so now learning all 3 Japanese writing systems is easier and more fun than ever!
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture #Duolingo #DuolingoJapanese
#duolingojapanese #duolingo #japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
The Complete Japanese Verb Conjugation Video
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture
#japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
Nifty new website find: AnimalBook.jp , has Japanese and English modes :)
動物完全大百科animalbook.jp ~どうぶつの知りたいこと、おもしろいこと、ここに集合~
> 初めまして!動物完全大百科へようこそ! ここでは動物の知りたいこと、面白いこと、動物に対して、多くの興味をもってもらえるような内容が盛りだくさんあります。 皆さんにひと時でも感動を、共感を、新しい知識を得る喜びを与えられることを願っております。 さぁ、これからどんな新しいことに出逢えるか是非楽しんでご覧ください。
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture
#japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
Ok what is with no one telling me about the cuter version of Thomas The Tank Engine in Japanese:
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture #ThomasTheTankEngine
#thomasthetankengine #japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
Tokyo Girls Collection - Live stream, only the most vapid Japanese girls may apply..
『マイナビ TGC 2023 A/W』PART3
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture
#japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
I am going to learn magic just so that I can use this, well that and breed a pigeon, obviously:
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture #DuolingoJapanese #Duolingo
#duolingo #duolingojapanese #japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
It not me listening to Peppa Pig for fun, when it's in Japanese it is study :)
🔴 ペッパピッグ ⭐️ ライブストリーム 🌈 Peppa Pig Live Stream
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture
#japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
The presenters on Hiroshima News 24 goe from looking like their families are just off camera being held at gun point, and then as cheery as if they just freebased the good stuff, apparently there is much going on:
【LIVE】広島ニュース24 ~広島の最新ニュースを24時間配信中!~
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture
#japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
Thought I was caught in one of those Google Translate jokes for a moment.
All those “ni wa”s. I had it as a listening exercise first time around and I thought something had broken 😵💫😄
#duolingo #languagelearning #learningjapanese #japanese
Bible/Jesus AI chat, thanks Scathing Atheist podcast & Eli Bosnick (who is always trustworthy and never does anything for fun, ever) you can:
Note: It understands Japanese, answers any question bibe related or not.
I got the AI to guess what fruit Mary of the Bible likes and it said Figs.
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture #Jesus #Atheist #ScathingAtheist #AI
#ai #scathingatheist #atheist #jesus #japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
Manga with cat for the win:
つまねこ#1 はじめまして | つまねこ | ヤンマガWeb
> 『サラリーマン山崎シゲル』の田中光が描く、噛みぐせのある愛猫・正太郎と、そんな正太郎に振り回される妻・ヨメタナカの日常を描くほのぼのエッセイ。 「今週の正太郎コーナー」では毎週正太郎の写真をお届けします。 マンガ・グラビアが毎日無料のヤンマガWeb。
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture
#japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
My fellow Japanese dictionary nerds (okay maybe just me):
三省堂国語辞典 第八版 - Apps on Google Play
> ◆Release commemorative sale now being held! Until November 30th!
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture
#japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
Hikari Japanese Academy Announces Conversation Classes - Rafu Shimpo
> MONROVIA — Hikari Japanese Academy, a leading provider of Japanese language and cultural education, announces the launch of its fall Japanese conversation classes. The classes aim to provide a dynamic and immersive learning experience.
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture
#japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
Radical Kanji: Intermediate Japanese for Understanding Kanji 'Pieces' - GaijinPot
> Learn how to break down kanji into easier, bite-sized chunks.
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture
#japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
The Best Kanji Learning Programs
> Explore the best programs to study kanji available; RTK, KLC, WaniKani and more.
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture
#japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
Asia Week New York | Japanese Art Society of America's Online and In-Person Talk
> The first female Japanese study-abroad students to the U.S. sponsored by the Meiji Government Meiji Modern: What Women’s Education Means Then and Now Sunday, August 27 at 7PM EDT (Monday, August 28 at 9:15AM Toyko Time)
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture
#japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese
I'm using a pre-built anki deck to study kanji. Most of the time it's pretty good, but because it focuses on similarity of kanji I sometimes get pretty unusual kanji. For example, I now know how to write "constitutional", but not how to write the I punched someone.
Well Junior is obviously loaded and super independent for his age.
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強 #Japan #JapaneseCulture #Duolingo #DuolingoJapanese
#duolingojapanese #duolingo #japaneseculture #japan #英語の勉強 #日本語の勉強 #learningjapanese #learningenglish #英語 #日本語 #english #japanese