Susan Ramirez · @boxofdelights
97 followers · 719 posts · Server

@futurebird Even in elementary school, there's hardly any time allowed to play with manipulatives.

How are they supposed to really understand what those pencil-and-paper symbols mean if they didn't get a chance to see and feel how math works?

#math #learningmath

Last updated 1 year ago

Warum hab ich sowas nicht in der Schule gelernt? Why didn't I learn this at school?

#learningmath #Percentages #easymath #math

Last updated 1 year ago

Peter Keep · @mathprofpeter
98 followers · 42 posts · Server

Ok , I am just starting to think about the spring semester. Whether you're or (or both), what are some goals you have for the upcoming semester? Large or small, what are you trying to focus on?

I have two:
1. I want to build a larger list of in-class activities that reinforce the themes in Calc 1 and 2.
2. I want to change the way I administer retakes for assignments. Specifically, I want to dedicate more class time to it.

What about you?

#learningmath #TeachingMath #mathstodon

Last updated 2 years ago