Yes, I remember fondly when, to make our point in 140 characters, we had to be concise.
Then came 280 characters, with little need to eliminate and eradicate superfluous redundancy in our communication, and we could ramble on without really adding anything to further our point.
500 characters you say.. 🤔
#Mastodon #TwitterMigration #Mastolorians #LearningMyWay #Newbie
#newbie #learningmyway #mastolorians #twittermigration #Mastodon
Is there a way to search for or list my posts, not including posts of other accounts that I've boosted?
If not, I would like this option, so I can keep track of the ridiculous things that I've said.
#MastoAdmins #MastoFeature #MastoWishList #LearningMyWay #Newbie
#newbie #learningmyway #mastowishlist #mastofeature #MastoAdmins
It's getting hard to tell we are here or there.
Ghosts appear and fade away, and time is twisty.
#newbies #learningmyway #twittermigration
Stupid ego, always with the unhealthy and unhelpful nattering noise.
Told him he wasn't welcome here, then locked him a chest in a storage room, but sometimes I can still him mumbling out there.
#newhere #mindfulness #learningmyway #twittermigration
As a noob here, I could use some recommendations on a Mastodon client for Android, for when I am not using a WAP.
#LearningMyWay #TwitterMigration #MastodonHelp #NewHere
#newhere #mastodonhelp #twittermigration #learningmyway
Whoa.. when you vote on a poll here, you get the final results in your notifications when the poll ends. 😯
@odanu thanks for asking this question. I wonder the same and look forward to responses from people who have the answer. #LearningMyWay slowly.