Planificando un taller de #Flutter, hablemos sobre objetivos, expectativas y requisitos, #learningToFly
Sometime around July 2010 the summer months became baby seagull season outside our office window. It’s been like that ever since. Squeeep. Squeeep. #FensterFreitag #WindowFriday #FuinneogFriday #Window #BabyGull #Seagull #LearningToFly #GoAheadAndJump #Mastodaoine #TGIF #Ireland
#Fensterfreitag #WindowFriday #fuinneogfriday #window #babygull #seagull #learningtofly #goaheadandjump #mastodaoine #tgif #ireland
Fly in summer, groundschool in winter, they used to say before climate change...
#flyinginireland #generalaviation #learningtofly
I've done two formal courses on how these things work, one in college and one for the licence, and I've used one for 25 years, but I think this is the first time I've actually seen one, in the flesh so to speak, with the head off.
It's pretty fecking awesome.
#learningtofly #cessna150 #continental
In other randomness, I now have a letter that says I can speak English fluently.
Screw you, accent-haters...
IAA exams 3-6 of 9 for the pilot's licence today.
I think they went okay, but finishing an exam that's slated for 30min in 7min including time to reread everything slowly is worrying in and of itself!
There’s no sensation to compare with this
#learningtofly #amomentarylapseofreason #pinkfloyd
Wind was 16 gusting 27. Hardest day yet. Blown around like a shopping bag every time we were below 500 feet and I could not for the life of me get my head to settle down and just fly the airplane instead of fighting it all the time.
Oh well. Learning experience :D
#flyinginireland #learningtofly
Watched a baby robin learn to fly! Super exciting to see it fly across our yard! #birds #learningtofly
"Y'know, if we charged students a tenner for landing fees, every time you did a circuit you'd owe us fifty quid...."
#learningtofly #flyinginireland
"Your second landing in the circuit is usually very good. And it's kindof impressive to do sixteen touch and goes in one hour"
#learningtofly #cheekyflightinstructors
I don't understand. It's not sticking straight out and it's not pointing across the runway. Is it broken?
#flyinginireland #generalaviation #learningtofly
Can’t keep my mind from the circling skies
#learningtofly #amomentarylapseofreason #pinkfloyd
Unheeded warnings, I thought I thought of everything
#learningtofly #amomentarylapseofreason #pinkfloyd
That feeling when you're taking the simulated groundschool test and you know the question's given answer is just plain wrong!
Hyperventilation is not a condition! It's an action, a thing you do. It *causes* a condition (namely hypoxia, somewhat counterintuitively because you're not getting good circulation of air in the lungs because of the odd breathing pattern so you don't get good oxygenation of the blood supply).
Screw you exam, you're *wrong*!
#generalaviation #learningtofly
Can’t keep my eyes from the circling skies
#learningtofly #amomentarylapseofreason #pinkfloyd
Could blow this soul right through the roof of the night
#learningtofly #amomentarylapseofreason #pinkfloyd
Across the clouds I see my shadow fly
#learningtofly #amomentarylapseofreason #pinkfloyd
No navigator to find my way home
#learningtofly #amomentarylapseofreason #pinkfloyd