📈 Workplace and school absences are rising.
These two recent stories have put the spotlight on how we are simply NOT
How do we deal with it?
*Learn* how to make it safe?
- No, force unfit people back to the grind.
RT @cv_cev@twitter.com
🗓 SEPTEMBER 2020 🐕
Sniffer dogs 100% accurate when testing for Covid.
Why aren't these in ALL airports globally?
#CovidDogs #BorderControls #LearningToLiveWithCovid #SnifferDogs
#snifferdogs #learningtolivewithcovid #bordercontrols #coviddogs
🗓 SEPTEMBER 2020 🐕
Sniffer dogs 100% accurate when testing for Covid.
Why aren't these in ALL airports globally?
#CovidDogs #BorderControls #LearningToLiveWithCovid #SnifferDogs
#snifferdogs #learningtolivewithcovid #bordercontrols #coviddogs