“Taxes pay for government spending”. Unless, of course, your government creates its own money - and imprisons any entrepreneur that tries to counterfeit it … #LearnMMT
I liked this just criticism of #NYTimes mostly poor, biased reporting on the #DebtLimit
"In the midst of this political battle, with one party using unconstitutional methods and the threat of economic catastrophe to try to kick people off social programs, a responsible paper of record might want to avoid mindlessly promoting a key premise of the economic terrorists: that government debt is a serious problem that we should be very concerned about."
#mmt #LearnMMT
#nytimes #debtlimit #mmt #learnmmt
Deficit hysteria was the original gop scam, long before woke hysteria and critical race theory panic. It's quite disheartening to see libs buying into this mindset.
RT @MarkFabian21
@RealProgressUS @sdgrumbine Everyone needs to learn this! #LearnMMT
At the end of Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2022, The UK general government's gross debt was £2,436.7 billion.
On a day-to-day basis, how does this affect you?
Do you think this will ever get down to zero?
Who are we in debt to?
Modern Monetary Theory
RT @davstier@twitter.com
Ökonomischer Analphabetismus am Limit.
Statt die #Schuldenbremse zu streichen, um frei über Ausgaben entscheiden zu können, wird zu Sparplänen aufgerufen, die Verteilungskämpfe provozieren und die Lage weiter verschlechtern werden. #learnMMT https://twitter.com/DLF/status/1610224296147795972
“The Curious Case of “We Can’t Afford It” “
No massive amount of hand-wringing over these eye-watering sums. No attempt to pretend the transactions had be funded by tax payers, in advance, as is the case with every socially beneficial programme, ever.
The deficit myth is never trotted out when conservatives spot an opportunity to grift.
#LearnMMT #StephanieKelton #DeficitMyth
#learnmmt #stephaniekelton #deficitmyth
Love this. Some posts have become evergreen since people are generally either unwilling to learn a bit about #Macroeconomics or so deeply propagandized that the truth looks like a conspiracy theory... #LearnMMT #EachOneTeachOne
#macroeconomics #learnmmt #eachoneteachone
@dcjohnson @kdund This is actually closer to what happens, accounting-wise, at the central bank than you think. #learnmmt
Stephanie Kelton’s lecture on using money for the public good. Never be stymied by. “How do we pay for it?” again!
#progressivepolitics #learnmmt #mmt #deficitmyth
No one can force new information into your brain except you. You can do it passively, though, simply by saying ‘Hmm, what is #MMT talking about?’ and watching this video.
First they drink the kool-aid
Then they promise a New Paradigm
Then some suckers vote it in
Then a smoking crater
Then they’ll blame runaway free markets
Then they try again.
RT @citizensmediatv@twitter.com
First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you.
Then they compare you to a unicorn pooping.
Then you win.
(Hat tip, @videotroph) https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-21/distur…