Devtoberfest is back! Go to SAP Community and join the Devtoberfest group to get access to lots of expert sessions and tutorials and be part of the contest! We have a lot of awesome prizes again this year! 🎉🎁🇺🇸 #devtoberfest #programmingchallenge #sap #codingcommunity #learntocode
#Devtoberfest #programmingchallenge #sap #codingcommunity #learntocode
Resharing this!
Building Projects – Unlock Success As A Beginner Programmer
#beginner #programmers #learntocode #sideproject
Check this one out:
Choosing The Best Programming Language For Beginners
#programming #coding #beginner #learntocode
#100DaysOfCode : #NodeJS #Express #SQLite #VanillaJS
#Day41 : Beginned email template in Newsletter Express project
Source Code :
Learned :
-inline styles
-html tag <style>
-email HTML current state : can get rid of tables if using divs. Still need to learn more about the support of semantic html elements
#WebDev #Frontend #CSS #WebDesign #LearnWebDev #Javascript #LearnToCode #LearnJavascript #JS #emailgeeks
#100daysofcode #nodejs #express #sqlite #vanillajs #day41 #webdev #frontend #css #webdesign #learnwebdev #javascript #learntocode #learnjavascript #js #emailgeeks
Hey developers! Have a look 👀
Choosing The Best Programming Language For Beginners
#programming #coding #beginner #learntocode
#100DaysOfCode : #NodeJS #Express #SQLite #VanillaJS
#Day40 : Added unsubscription logic and SQL handling in Newsletter Express project
Source Code :
Added :
- Unsubscription logic : Create a route for users to unsubscribe from the newsletter. Update the database accordingly.
Learned :
-async await handling of errors in Express, require to try catch and next to a middleware
#WebDev #Frontend #CSS #WebDesign #LearnWebDev #Javascript #LearnToCode #LearnJavascript #JS
#100daysofcode #nodejs #express #sqlite #vanillajs #day40 #webdev #frontend #css #webdesign #learnwebdev #javascript #learntocode #learnjavascript #js
#100DaysOfCode : #NodeJS #Express #SQLite #VanillaJS
#Day39 : Continuing Newsletter Express project with several UI changes
Source Code :
Added :
- modified homepage
- unsubscribe page
- beginned unsub route but i need to add SQL DELETE for the email
#WebDev #Frontend #CSS #WebDesign #LearnWebDev #Javascript #LearnToCode #LearnJavascript #JS
#100daysofcode #nodejs #express #sqlite #vanillajs #day39 #webdev #frontend #css #webdesign #learnwebdev #javascript #learntocode #learnjavascript #js
#100DaysOfCode : #NodeJS #Express #SQLite #VanillaJS
#Day38 : Newsletter building
Source Code :
Learned :
- intro to Backend : learned basics of NodeJS, Express and SQL
- Express subscription routes : adding entries from the user to an SQLite database
- Displaying notif if the entries are correctly added
#WebDev #Frontend #CSS #WebDesign #LearnWebDev #Javascript #LearnToCode #LearnJavascript #JS
#100daysofcode #nodejs #express #sqlite #vanillajs #day38 #webdev #frontend #css #webdesign #learnwebdev #javascript #learntocode #learnjavascript #js
Hookifying Google Maps into your React app in Four Steps
#google #readysetcode #frontend #googlemaps #react #reactjs #js #javascript #frontenddeveloper #frontenddev #frontenddevelopment #html #style #development #develop #dev #developer #coding #learn #learntocode #womenintech #wit #tech #technology #syntax #reactapp #reactdev
#google #readysetcode #frontend #googlemaps #react #reactjs #js #javascript #frontenddeveloper #frontenddev #frontenddevelopment #html #style #development #develop #dev #developer #coding #learn #learntocode #womenintech #wit #tech #technology #syntax #reactapp #reactdev
5 core css fundamentals #css #readysetcode #frontend #frontenddeveloper #frontenddev #frontenddevelopment #html #style #development #develop #dev #developer #coding #learn #learntocode #womenintech #wit #tech #technology #syntax
#css #readysetcode #frontend #frontenddeveloper #frontenddev #frontenddevelopment #html #style #development #develop #dev #developer #coding #learn #learntocode #womenintech #wit #tech #technology #syntax
As mentioned in our latest Kickstarter update, we'll continue live-streaming the creation of our #FujoGuide website tomorrow August 24th at 3PM PDT (timezone converter in replies).
Join us on Twitch ( as we recreate our character cards using Astro Components. We’ll then pair these with Astro Content Collections to easily add more characters to the roster and keep up-to-date information for their artists, all across our website!
#fujoguide #coding #learntocode
Just Blogged: Exploring the Building Blocks of Sitecore XM Cloud 👉
#SitecoreMVP #SitecoreCommunity #SUGCON #LearnSitecore #Sitecorefriends #SitecoreFamily #XMCloud #DotNet #Sitecore #JavaScript #React #webdevelopment #Azure #LearnToCode #SaaS #Sitecore
#saas #learntocode #azure #webdevelopment #react #javascript #sitecore #dotnet #xmcloud #sitecorefamily #sitecorefriends #learnsitecore #sugcon #sitecorecommunity #sitecoremvp
Linux Professional Institute (LPI) #WebDevelopment Essentials can help you master the basics of #programming your own website, ‘front-end’ to ‘back-end!’
Dive into how these terms relate to different areas of your #webdev experience with a blog by Developer and #Linux Trainer Tilman Lüttje from B1 Systems:
#LPI #learntocode #code #coding #opensource #openknowledge #html #css #sql #javascript #nodejs
#webdevelopment #programming #webdev #linux #lpi #learntocode #code #coding #opensource #openknowledge #html #css #sql #javascript #nodejs
Just Blogged: Exploring Sitecore XM0 Topology #Container Images 👉
#SitecoreMVP #SitecoreCommunity #SUGCON #LearnSitecore #Sitecorefriends #SitecoreFamily #Docker #DotNet #Sitecore #NextJS #React #webdevelopment #javascript #learning #learntocode #Sitecore #SUGCON #SitecoreDX #Azure #architecture #devops #SUG #chatgpt #headless #headlesscms
#headlessCMS #headless #chatgpt #sug #devops #architecture #azure #sitecoredx #learntocode #learning #javascript #webdevelopment #react #nextjs #sitecore #dotnet #docker #sitecorefamily #sitecorefriends #learnsitecore #sugcon #sitecorecommunity #sitecoremvp #container
Could novice programmers write clean code from the start?
Clean code is not just for professional developers. Especially beginners quickly lose track of their code. Clean code would help against that. I think we can explain clean code principles to absolute programming beginners, for example the DRY principle:
#learntocode #csharp #dotnet #edutooter
Want to learn how to #code, but not sure where to start?
Read why Greg Czuchaj from OpenEDG thinks Linux Professional Institute (LPI) #WebDevelopment Essentials covers some of the best tools to launch your #programming journey.
Check out the article for a quiz to pick your first #softwaredevelopment language!
#LPI #WDE #coding #programming #learntocode #HTML #CSS #Javascript
#code #webdevelopment #programming #softwaredevelopment #lpi #wde #coding #learntocode #html #css #javascript
Want to learn how to #code, but not sure where to start?
Read why Greg Czuchaj from OpenEDG thinks Linux Professional Institute (LPI) #WebDevelopment Essentials covers some of the best tools to launch your #programming journey.
Check out the article for a quiz to pick your first #softwaredevelopment language!
#LPI #WDE #coding #programming #learntocode #HTML #CSS #Javascript
#code #webdevelopment #programming #softwaredevelopment #lpi #wde #coding #learntocode #html #css #javascript
Come check out my latest C++ video. Leave a note in the YouTube comments letting me know how I did.
#learntocode #cpp #programmer #programming
Just Blogged: How to use #Tailwind #CSS in #Sitecore Next.js :point_right:
#SitecoreMVP #SitecoreCommunity #SUGCON #LearnSitecore #Sitecorefriends #SitecoreFamily #CSS #DotNet #Azure #NextJS #React #webdevelopment #javascript #bootstrap #learning #LearnToCode
#learntocode #learning #bootstrap #javascript #webdevelopment #react #nextjs #azure #dotnet #sitecorefamily #sitecorefriends #learnsitecore #sugcon #sitecorecommunity #sitecoremvp #sitecore #css #tailwind
Come check out my latest C++ video. Leave a note in the YouTube comments letting me know how I did.
#learntocode #cpp #programmer #programming