Welsh Learners’ Coffee Morning every Thursday in Pontypridd Museum run by volunteers from Dysgu Cymraeg.
Sessions start Thurs 28th Sept at 10:30-11:30am. No need to book in advance and all sessions are free, but a suggested donation of £2 per session welcome.
This is an informal way to practise your Welsh and is suitable for all learners; whether you’re new to Wales and don’t speak a word or were once fluent but feeling rusty, this is the perfect place for you!
Cysgais yn dda iawn am nawr awr a hanner. Dim ond unwaith yn unig deffro! Hwrê! 🏴 🥳
I slept very well for seven and a half hours. Only waking just one time to wee! Yay!
#DysguCymraeg #Cymru 🏴
#Wales 🏴
#corrections #Wales #learnwelsh #welshpractice #cymru #dysgucymraeg #ymarfercymraeg
😎Rhy boeth i gysgu? Aircon yn freuddwyd pell? WEL, co’ chi Haclediad mis Mehefin i ffanio chi efo breezy chat tri ffrind am dechnoleg, billionaires a ffilms rybish
☀️Byddwn ni’n sipian coctêls oer a thrafod Reddit, VR Headset freaky newydd Apple, trip Bryn i dŷ’r Cyffredin a FfilmAmDdim-DiDdim waethaf (?) ein run ni o 40 hyd yn hyn: *London has Fallen*.
#podcast #podlediad #welsh #dysgucymraeg #learnwelsh #tech #technology #chill #vibes #wtf
#wtf #vibes #chill #technology #tech #learnwelsh #dysgucymraeg #welsh #podlediad #podcast
Yn bersonol, byddwn i'n ddweud y Cymraeg yn gyntaf 🤗 🏴
Personally I would say the Welsh first
#welshpractice #learnwelsh #dysgucymraeg #ymarfercymraeg
#dysgucymraeg #learnwelsh
I'm really confused.
Why is it sometimes "Wnest ti" and sometimes "Gwnest ti" even at the start of the sentence? Or is DuoLingo just unnecessarily confusing me?
I need a #welsh speaker to talk to!
#dysgucymraeg #learnwelsh #welsh
Dw i'n darllen Cwm Gwrachod gan Colin Jones ar hyn o bryd.
Feel free to correct mistakes I make. I'm a beginner, so I will make many and correction will help me improve.
#dysgucymraeg #mynediad #lefelmynediad #WelshLearner #learnwelsh #BeginnerWelsh
#beginnerwelsh #learnwelsh #WelshLearner #lefelmynediad #mynediad #dysgucymraeg
First Welsh lesson down, didn't die!
Was way too anxious to be on camera or unmute but huge shout out to the tutor who I emailed in advance and was super understanding and reassuring about it.
Downloaded Duolingo and am on the hunt for Welsh verb tables before next week's lesson.
🏴 #Welsh learners! Thanks to @griffinkate I learned of Siarad, a scheme that brings Welsh speakers and learners together for 10 hours of informal conversations in social settings.
The aim is to increase learners confidence and introduce them to opportunities to use their Welsh locally.
More here: https://learnwelsh.cymru/learning/siarad/
#Dysgu #DysguCymraeg #Cymraeg #Welsh #LearnWelsh #LearningWelsh #WelshLanguage #Ymarfer
#ymarfer #welshlanguage #learningwelsh #learnwelsh #cymraeg #dysgucymraeg #dysgu #welsh
First stream of 2023 tonight (Tuesday) from 10pm-ish! Will Duolingo be insultingly easy again?! I'm on Level 6 and it's asking me how to say the name of my own country 🤣
So yes, tonight, broadcasting live from that well-known UK country, School Uniform! (that's what "gwisg ysgol" means!)
#Duolingo #Dysgu #DysguCymraeg #Cymraeg #Welsh #LearnWelsh #LearningWelsh #Learning #Language #WelshLanguage #Lesson #Twitch #TwitchStreamer #UKStreamer #WelshStreamer #VarietyStreamer #Streamer #WeAreTeamXO
#weareteamxo #streamer #varietystreamer #welshstreamer #ukstreamer #twitchstreamer #twitch #lesson #welshlanguage #language #learning #learningwelsh #learnwelsh #welsh #cymraeg #dysgucymraeg #dysgu #duolingo
Bore da, Bawb! Who would like a Welsh practice session during morning coffee break? At work or at home! I'll run one on Zoom once a week, and you can pop in for 5 minutes / an hour according to your break. Favourite and boost if you're interested!
I'll run a poll to find the best times / days, and it'll be open to all levels, even if you just want to sit in the background and listen.
Any questions?
#caffibarcymraeg #learnwelsh #welshpractice #siaradwrnewydd
Sometimes I think I’ll never learn all the vocabulary. And then I see a goat on TV and say, “Gafr!” Cymraeg requires patience. I’m learning, if not as fast as I’d like. #dysgucymraeg #learnwelsh #Wales #cymru
#cymru #Wales #learnwelsh #dysgucymraeg
is great for learning #Welsh. Since its been largely built by volunteers they deserve medals. But the sound files are a bit flawed at times which is irritating, and it doesn't have the "stories" feature which is the best way to "gaffael iaith" (pick up a language)
Keep up #duolingo for practicing reading and spelling and for vocabulary to #learnwelsh. But I'll always say that Saysomethinginwelsh.com is the best online #welsh course.
#learnwelsh #duolingo #welsh #duolingocymraeg
Deiseb - Gwersi Cymraeg am ddim i bawb i bawb sydd eisiau dysgu'r iaith yng Nghymru / Petition - Free Welsh lessons for people in Wales wanting to learn the language:
#DysguCymraeg #LearnWelsh #Deiseb #Petition #Cymraeg2050 #Wales #Cymru
#dysgucymraeg #learnwelsh #deiseb #petition #cymraeg2050 #wales #cymru
@Iangardiner @domdoescode Can't find all the links, but here's the one for the current #LearnWelsh #DysguCymraeg Mynediad course (south Wales version) - I'm the "teacher", so if you ask to "join this class" I'll get an email to approve you.
Accidentally signed up for #SaySomethingInWelsh again. This time via a #GwaithCymraeg information session on #Duolingo and #SSIW
Pleasantly surprised its free for a year, maybe two if the funding is extended.
If you get the chance to #LearnWelsh through your workplace I wholeheartedly recommend it. It provides support, motivation and reduces your making excuses.
Dw i isio ymarfer dysgu Cymraeg bob dydd
#learnwelsh #ssiw #duolingo #GwaithCymraeg #saysomethinginwelsh
@griffinkate very much a newbie to #cymraeg and #learnwelsh . Tips on insults and curses is always good. We watch a lot of Scandi drama, so I can swear in Danish, Swedish and Norwegian...
@GwenfarsGarden @griffinkate #learnwelsh When I was small my dad said you have your tongue in the same place as an L but you blow around the edges