Tony and Olivier Award winner #LeaSalonga will join the cast of the upcoming musical #HereLiesLove by #DavidByrne and #FatboySlim. The immersive musical begins previews at the #BroadwayTheatre Sunday, June 17 with an official opening set for Thursday, July 20. Salonga, making her return to #Broadway after her debut in #MissSaigon in 1991, will appear for five weeks from Tuesday, July 11 to Sunday, August 13. Guest stars from the Philippines will take over the role after her exit.
#leasalonga #herelieslove #davidbyrne #fatboyslim #broadwaytheatre #broadway #misssaigon
#LeaSalonga Joins #Broadway Cast Of #DavidByrne-#FatboySlim Musical ‘#HereLiesLove’
#leasalonga #broadway #davidbyrne #fatboyslim #herelieslove
Contest: PRETTY LITTLE LIARS: ORIGINAL SIN DVD: HBO Max’s Slasher Teen Drama Mystery TV Series
#FilmBook #Contest #AlexAiono #BaileeMadison #ChandlerKinney #Contest #ElenaGoode #EricJohnson #HBOMax #LeaSalonga #MaiaReficco #MaliaPyles #MalloryBechtel #PrettyLittleLiars:OriginalSin #SharonLeal #WarnerBros.HomeEntertainment #Zaria
#filmbook #contest #alexaiono #baileemadison #chandlerkinney #elenagoode #ericjohnson #hbomax #leasalonga #maiareficco #maliapyles #mallorybechtel #prettylittleliars #sharonleal #warnerbros #zaria
Song of the Day February 22 2023
Song of the Day - In honor of the birth of Maria Lea Carmen Imutan Salonga aka Lea Salonga
Lea Salonga - “Defying Gravity” (At Lytham Festival 2017)
#SongOfTheDay #SOTD #SOTD2023 #February22 #MariaLeaCarmenImutanSalonga #LeaSalonga #DefyingGravity #Wicked #Broadway #CoverSong #Elphaba #TheWizardOfOz #Lytham #LythamFestival
#songoftheday #sotd #sotd2023 #february22 #leasalonga #defyinggravity #wicked #broadway #coversong #elphaba #thewizardofoz #lytham #lythamfestival #marialeacarmenimutansalonga
No! NO!
It's broken out of containment!
#Pentatonix #LeaSalonga #covers #JoseMariChan #Christmas #TheChristmasMenace
#pentatonix #leasalonga #covers #josemarichan #christmas #thechristmasmenace
@georgetakei I’ve seen Allegiance and recommend it! Excellent and moving story, and the songs are so lovely. Gaman especially stuck with me (
#Allegiance #AllegianceMusical #Musicals #MusicalTheater #GeorgeTakei #LeaSalonga #Gaman
#allegiance #allegiancemusical #musicals #musicaltheater #GeorgeTakei #leasalonga #gaman