A reminder that, around a year ago, #IsabelOakeshott said...
""I have no doubt that Banks & Wigmore have been acting as agents of influence of the Russian state"
The rest is (buried) history. Now why would that be, I wonder?
#ArronBanks #AndyWigmore #Brexit #treason #RichardTice #LeaveEU
#isabeloakeshott #arronbanks #andywigmore #brexit #treason #richardtice #leaveeu
A comprehensive thread from the other place with details of what #ArronBanks, #CambridgeAnalytica, #DominicCummings ,#VoteLeave, #LeaveEU and others got up to in the dodgy #2016 #brexit #referendum https://twitter.com/RaveCozensHardy/status/1606341832966918144
Even though there have been few political or legal consequences, the conduct of the 2016 referendum must not be forgotten, so that any future referendum can be protected against the criminals and spivs.
#arronbanks #cambridgeanalytica #dominiccummings #voteleave #leaveeu #brexit #referendum
RT @MarchForRejoin@twitter.com
A pre-referendum #leaveeu campaign video, now with added LIES counter.
Let's take our country back... into the EU.
#RejoinEU #Brexit #marchforrejoin
National Rejoin March
Saturday 10th September, London.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarchForRejoin/status/1542242958078054400
#MarchForRejoin #brexit #RejoinEU #leaveeu
@PPat29 @kathimmel , I Think #Scotland, Has Higher Chances To Leave: #Uk Too , Out Of The Remaining 3 Countries OUTSIDE #England ,Too :/ 🤔 :( 😞
#Polling #Pollings #Polls #Poll #MastodonPolls ,I Voted 🗳 Yes To: #IndependentScotland , & I Live In Broken England SINKING & Harming Uk Out Of Spite, Lies, Misinformation, Biases, Greed, Corruption, Incompetence, Frauds, Distraction Techniques, From: #Brexit / #LeaveEU ,Sadly :( 😞
#scotland #uk #england #polling #pollings #polls #poll #mastodonpolls #IndependentScotland #brexit #leaveeu
RT @sdbernard@twitter.com
Just for a bit of fun I took the two sets of votes from the Leave No Deal/Revoke Article 50 petitions and mapped them to see which constituencies if any had a majority for Leave... 45 out 635 in case you're wondering
#LeaveEU #PeoplesVote #SecondReferendum
#leaveeu #peoplesvote #secondreferendum