@JamesGleick Zuckerberg & Musk both deserve the dumpster superbowl.
#FreeFromTwitter #FreeFromFacebook #Twipoff #LeaveTwitter #LeaveFacebook #InternetResearchAgency #Prigozhin #WagnerGroup #TrumpRussia #ElectionInterference
#freefromtwitter #freefromfacebook #twipoff #leavetwitter #leavefacebook #internetresearchagency #prigozhin #wagnergroup #trumprussia #electioninterference
And let's be real. The reasoning Meta is giving for letting TFG back on isn't even the real reason.
$$$ is the reason they're letting him back on.
#LeaveFacebook if you haven't already done so.
💡 Jak można by było wypisać się z Facebooka, nie tracąc jednocześnie kontaktów ze znajomymi czy klientami? - oto prezentacja z czterema konkretnymi scenariuszami, jak to faktycznie mogłoby wyglądać: https://archive.org/embed/interoperable-facebook-fictional-scenarios 📖 A dłuższa prezentacja i materiał tekstowy dostępne są na stronie EFF: https://www.eff.org/interoperablefacebook #CoryDoctorow #EFF #interoperability #NoFacebook #Facebook #LeaveFacebook #QuitFacebook #alternatywy
#alternatywy #quitfacebook #leavefacebook #facebook #nofacebook #interoperability #eff #corydoctorow
#leavefacebook… étape 1, suppression de l’app du téléphone. Pour ma part, sur une semaine, c’est plusieurs centaines de notifications… dont une bonne majorité pour lesquels ne ne consulte pas l'info ensuite... (mais qui beep, signale, informe... sur le tél et la montre)
Le seul regret c'est qu'a aucun moments ils n'osent dire que la seule solution contre cette manipulation de masse c'est #leavefacebook ....
A typo perhaps? #ResistanceExhibition ?? Tell me more!...[edit] really??
#LeaveFacebook please.
#resistanceexhibition #leavefacebook
why not campaign.openworlds.info /@xrelders together with a #matrix room? eg. #xr_elders:librem.one
#federatethis #occupy #xr #activists #opensource #leavefacebook
#matrix #xr_elders #federatethis #occupy #xr #activists #opensource #leavefacebook
Facebook m'a encore énervé ! Alors j'ai pondu ça : https://standblog.org/blog/post/2019/01/30/Scandale-Facebook-de-la-semaine-Onavo-le-VPN-espion #LeaveFacebook
Please please please, #leavefacebook. It is so bad for us.
Taibbi on #Facebook: Can We Be Saved From the Social Media Giant?
@jim yep, some reports of issues today as HUGE influx of users across the network from the #leavefacebook thing, scaling... seams to have settled down.
Facebook wants to "protect" you (and subsequently track your entire phone app use). This qualifies as spyware.
For Pete's sake, if you *must* use Facebook, only access it from a dedicated browser.
Facebook is pushing its data-tracking Onavo VPN within its main mobile app
Welp he's not wrong. #leavefacebook
Jim Carrey is trying to get a #Facebook boycott going
If you're on Facebook, leave. It is bad for you and everyone else.
“Making you angry, making you afraid, is really good for Facebook's business. It is not good for America.”
Facebook is a 'living, breathing crime scene,' says one former tech insider
#Facebook will not regulate itself. Our current federal government certainly won't.
We need to #LeaveFacebook this year.