Jon Kudelka @kudelka exposes the Walkleys Awards for what they are. Thankyou Jon. #climatechange #leaveitintheground
Why I’m not entering the Walkleys this year – Kudelka Cartoons
#climatechange #leaveitintheground
This would be a mistake ...
This controversial proposal has sparked a national debate. Supporters believe tapping potential gas and oil reserves could provide an economic boon, while opponents argue Costa Rica would be better served investing in renewable energy to maintain its environmentalist reputation.
#costarica #climatechange #leaveitintheground
This isn't enough, but it's a start, eh 🇨🇦🌎?
"Ottawa announces plan to phase out 'inefficient' fossil fuel subsidies."
#climatecrisis #cbc #news #cdnpoli #leaveitintheground
"in high-income countries two-thirds of the financial losses would be borne by the most affluent 10%. In contrast, governments could easily compensate for the minimal impact on those on middle and lower levels of wealth. The study found that in the US, two-thirds of the financial losses from lost fossil fuel assets would affect the top 10% of wealth holders, with half of that affecting the top 1%."
#leaveitintheground #climatechange
#leaveitintheground #climatechange
The air here in WNY is finally clearer. It has been dark, cold, smoke, itchy for most of this week. Widespread wildfires in Spring? That’s #ClimateChange #leaveitintheground
#climatechange #leaveitintheground
Glad to see these politicians are going to eat crow. Not only that, fossil fuel apologists such as Youngkin are going to choke on this air just as we have in PNW, even before the Covid-19 pandemic. #LeaveItInTheGround #wildfires #CodePurple
#leaveitintheground #wildfires #codepurple
>In other ways though, despite it all, there’s still so much to love about one of Australia’s favourite destinations, so let’s accentuate the positives amid so many negatives.
>This is still a country with the friendliest welcomes and the widest smiles.
Really, is that so? Ok then Ben, riddle me this. What say a First Nations #Enby & their white #transwoman wife, replete with library books about #RenewableEnergyForAll, #LeaveItInTheGround, #MedicareAPublicGood, #VegetarianismIsTheFuture, #BlackLivesMatter, #ClimateCrisis, #Covid19Pandemic, #AbortionEveryWomansRight, #AtheismIsTruth, & #TransRightsAreHumanRights, choose to visit #Florida for their big exciting Merkan holiday.
How's that likely to go, eh Ben? What suddenly happened to those "friendliest welcomes and widest smiles"?
Is your shallow promo rhetoric rather conditioned-with-an-asterisk that reads, in the fine-print; "but fsck off & stay away from our women & children if you're not a dog-fearing white cis straight #ChristoFascist meat-eater"?
#enby #transwoman #renewableenergyforall #leaveitintheground #medicareapublicgood #vegetarianismisthefuture #blacklivesmatter #ClimateCrisis #COVID19pandemic #abortioneverywomansright #atheismistruth #transrightsarehumanrights #florida #christofascist
»Are you outraged by Biden Administration’s decision to approve the Willow project in Alaska? Want to learn more about our movement to end the era of fossil fuels, and how YOU can plug in? Then join us next Wednesday, April 19th for the "End the Era of Fossil Fuels Mobilization Call".«
Why, the heck, does the #climate movement still use those f***ing ZOOM services? #datasecurity
#leaveitintheground #nolng #fossil #fracking #datasecurity #climate
#LeaveItInTheGround #EndCoal #FckRWE
I just think it's just another good visualization of why fossil fuels are evil.
And before you go "nuclear is evil too": Yes, this chart is only about accidents and air pollution, not nuclear waste. I don't know about the numbers on that topic, I guess the more factors are considered, the safer renewables will turn out to be.
#leaveitintheground #endcoal #fckrwe
Calls for answers over #PooleHarbour #OilSpill as cleanup continues
#ExtinctionRebellion leads protest and council leader expresses anger over damage done to #ProtectedSite
#WhereTheresDrillingTheresSpilling #LeaveItInTheGround #SSSI #environment
#environment #sssi #leaveitintheground #wheretheresdrillingtheresspilling #protectedsite #extinctionrebellion #oilspill #pooleharbour
Making environmental refugees of indigenous people in Canada... You know ... one of the richest countries in the world, with a relatively small population to support and still we just make it easier to make a profit and harder for ordinary people in every day in every way. And even worse for black and Indigenous folk!
#climatechange #indigneous #oilsands #leaveitintheground #tarsands #canpoli #cdnpoli #landback #reparations
#climatechange #indigneous #oilsands #leaveitintheground #tarsands #canpoli #cdnpoli #landback #reparations
They just don't care, those capitalist companies and their phonies in governments and administrations.
Still a good read on this topic in a wider sense, despite having been published over a decade ago:
Greg Palast
Vultures' Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates, and High-Finance Carnivores
#endfossil #NoLNG #fracking #LeaveItInTheGround #FossilNightmare
#fossilnightmare #leaveitintheground #fracking #nolng #EndFossil
Don't worry. It's electric.
#IPCC #ClimateCrisis #LeaveItInTheGround #EndPetroculture
#ipcc #climatecrisis #leaveitintheground #endpetroculture
Narrator: But they didn’t act, and it was too late, and they deserved it.
#Climate #ClimateChange #extinction #extictionrebellion #greenpeace #GlobalWarming #ClimateJustice #COP21 #oil #Fosilfuels #leaveitintheground
#Climate #ClimateChange #extinction #extictionrebellion #greenpeace #GlobalWarming #ClimateJustice #COP21 #oil #Fosilfuels #leaveitintheground
#Fossil #Gas #Fracking #LeaveItInTheGround #Methan #Klima #Energie „Keine Aufnahme der geplanten #LNG-Terminals vor #Rügen in das LNG-Beschleunigungsgesetz“.
Die Petition wurde am 27. Februar beim #Bundestag eingereicht, am 7. März veröffentlicht und kann bis zum 4. April über Unterschriftensammlungen und online beim Deutschen Bundestag mitgezeichnet werden.
Weitere Informationen und Mitzeichnung unter:
#fossil #Gas #fracking #leaveitintheground #methan #klima #Energie #lng #Rugen #bundestag
#Lützi-Demo #Essen Ein breites Bündnis ruft auf: Sonnabend, 18.03.23, 12 Uhr. Auftaktkundgebung findet im Stadtgarten Essen an der Huyssenalle statt (500 Meter südlich des Essener Hbf). Dann gibt es eine Demo bis zum #RWE-Gelände. Dort werden wir über einer Strecke von 1 km eine Menschenkette bilden und alle Eingänge des Klimakillers symbolisch blockieren: Ihr habt Lützerath geräumt – jetzt kommen wir zu euch! #Braunkohle #Moratorium #Klima #LeaveItInTheGround
#lutzi #Essen #RWE #Braunkohle #moratorium #klima #leaveitintheground
"...states & int'l governance bodies are warming to the understanding that investment treaties threaten progress on #decarbonization #sustainable development, and the achievement of #humanrights
"As such, these cases—and the #KeystoneXL dispute in particular—provide a lesson ... unless unreasonable sunset periods are rolled back or canceled alongside #ISDS, the threat of investment arbitration to climate action will linger."
#canpoli #leaveitintheground
#decarbonization #sustainable #humanrights #keystonexl #isds #canpoli #leaveitintheground
Danske Bank Quits New Fossil Fuel Financing
#Denmark’s biggest #bank has declared an end to #fossil_fuel financing, after concluding that 99.9% of its #carbonFootprint comes from financed #GHGemissions
#JusStopOil #KillCoal #NoNewCoal #climateChaos #ClimateEmegency #LeaveItInTheGround
#leaveitintheground #ClimateEmegency #climatechaos #nonewcoal #killcoal #jusstopoil #GHGemissions #carbonfootprint #fossil_fuel #bank #denmark