Je suis à 3 jours du point de non retour sur Twitwi, j'ai les guiboles qui tremblent j'avoue.
Presq-adieu les bastons de rue, les polémiques stériles,le cyber harcèlement, mais aussi les grosses poilades, la commu gauchiste et les 950 fofo.
#Sevrage #Twitter #leavetwitterforgood
#Sevrage #Twitter #leavetwitterforgood
#elno wants you to know that starting in February, you can give out assassination coordinates for only $11/mo!
#elno #elonmusk #twitter #leavetwitterforgood
Interview to Dr Anthony Fauci by Max Kozlov in Nature (link below)
Do you feel that your safety is at risk, given Musk’s enormous reach on Twitter?
Of course it’s at risk. That’s why I have armed federal agents with me all the time. That stirs up a lot of hate in people who have no idea why they’re hating — they’re hating because somebody like that is tweeting about it
#LeaveTwitterForGood #TwitterHatespeech #TwitterMisinformation #twitterexodus
#leavetwitterforgood #twitterhatespeech #twittermisinformation #twitterexodus
New trend: follow new Mastodon members that have now really left the birdsite #LeaveTwitterForGood
New trend: follow new Mastodon members that have now really left the birdsite #LeaveTwitterForGood