The #Xitter-in-Chief keeps xitting garbage from his clueless mouth
#elongatedmuskrat #xitter #block #twittermigration #leavetwitternow
@FrankPasquale Early in COVID, Twitter reached out to me and another prolific retweeter of virus information, asking who in the virology/ID/etc. should be given blue checks. #LeaveTwitterNow #NoMore
You have been warned. The only way to avoid being part of Elon's empire forever is to delete your #birdsite account NOW.
Just deleting your tweets won't do it. Making your account private won't do it. They'll just take your tweets from their backups and feed it into Musk's AI machine. #TwitterMigration #Twitter #LeaveTwitterNow
#ElonMusk says his new #xAI firm will use #TwitterData, work with #Tesla
#tesla #twitterdata #XAI #elonmusk #leavetwitternow #twitter #twittermigration #birdsite
#cometomastodon #leavetwitternow
@noellemitchell indeed. Also revealed on that he is putinist. Plain and simple.
Sur Twitter #FloriantPhilippot et... #ElonMusk, relaient l'accusation selon laquelle #FrancoisHollande aurait dit, lors d'une fausse interview en visio, que les accords de Minsk avaient pour but de préparer la guerre en Ukraine...
Musk est une vraie caisse de résonance des propos complotistes... Quand il n'est pas en train d'applaudir #EmmanuelMacron sur sa #RéformedesRetraites.
Guerre en Ukraine : François Hollande piégé par deux humoristes russes
#leavetwitternow #reformedesretraites #emmanuelmacron #francoishollande #elonmusk #floriantphilippot
Nyt viimeistään on aika kaikkien jättää tuo nyt Putinistiksi osoittautunut rakettimiehen lintulauta ja muutkin tuotteet.
#putinism #musk #leavetwitternow
@thatsexton #Elon has made his intentions clear for #MAGAtwitter
Time to remove my nearly never used account and watch them burn it down.
It's time for anyone worth saving to make an account elsewhere (if not here).
Would you stay inside a 5 alarm fire hoping to effect a change? 🔥 The home owner is getting his smores ready...... #LetItBurn #LeaveTwitterNOW #BuildSomethingBetter #Fediverse #Mastodon
#elon #magatwitter #letitburn #leavetwitternow #buildsomethingbetter #fediverse #mastodon
@gilduran @dangillmor Elon Musk is a dictator just like his friend Putin. Dictators hate Journalists, because dictators like to control the information normal people get. Musk had never the intention to buy Twitter for earning money, he needs Twitter to create chaos and control the information people get just for his own benefits. Just like the Russian propaganda. #DangerousDictatorMusk #LeaveTwitterNow #BanTesla #MuskInformationControl #CensorshipByElonMusk
#censorshipbyelonmusk #muskinformationcontrol #bantesla #leavetwitternow #dangerousdictatormusk
Dear #Journalists and #NewsOrganizations on #Twitter. Do not give its current owner the power to suspend or reinstate you. #LeaveTwitterNow
#leavetwitternow #Twitter #newsorganizations #journalists
Alright it's time..
I uninstalled Twitter app on my phone a while ago.. but never actually deactivated the account..
It's time to deactivate.
I'm annoyed at having to connect to the site to deactivate it..
#leavetwitternow #leavetwitter
Alright it's time..
I uninstalled Twitter app on my phone a while ago.. but never actually deactivated the account..
It's time to deactivate.
I'm annoyed at having to connect to the site to deactivate it..
#leavetwitternow #leavetwitter
@harrylitman I'm happily following you here. Fight fascism. #LeaveTwitterNow
@jaoler toivottavasti #apple vie tämän nyt päätyyn asti. On suunnannäyttäjä, ja repii muita suuria mainostajia mukanaan.
Lintula on yrityksille #mainehaitta. Rakettimiehen lähivuosien kytkökset mm. G. Maxwellin / J. Epsteinin kaltaisiin raakalaisrötöstelijöihin ei voi jäädä huomiotta. Jokainen yksilö/yritys joka kaveeraa tuonkaltaisten kanssa ovat henkilönä/yrityksenä #mainehaitta, ja näiden kanssa ei kenenkään tulisi tehdä mitään yhteistyötä ja kaupankäyntiä.
#leavetwitternow #mainehaitta #apple
@aravosis Let me save you a lot of work: Never believe a word Elon Musk says.
You're welcome.