@monkeyborg Not too long ago, someone here (possibly you) explained how to chop off everything from an URL one might be sharing to eliminate some of the tracking. I was like "Gee, doesn't everyone know how to do that?" Clearly, everyone didn't, and I'm glad whoever it was explained it. There are always new people buying stuff & being introduced to tech & new things. It's good someone explains this shit. So thank you, & thanks to whomever it was then. #tech #privacy #LeaveUsAlone
I’m a mom involved in my children’s education, and I have literally no time for the latest iteration of Nazis meddling in our kids’ education to indoctrinate them.
#LeaveUSAlone #Freedom #stopbookbans 🇺🇸
#leaveusalone #freedom #stopbookbans
48 years ago:
Leave Us Alone (DK)
Original title: La' os være
A group of summer camp kids, left to their own devices when their teachers stage a strike, go on a rampage of stealing and looting. A stolen boat brings them to an uninhabited island. When their boat drifts away, the marooned kids must fend for themselves.
#LeaveUsAlone #LasseNielsen #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#leaveusalone #lassenielsen #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
48 years ago:
Leave Us Alone (DK)
Original title: La' os være
A group of summer camp kids, left to their own devices when their teachers stage a strike, go on a rampage of stealing and looting. A stolen boat brings them to an uninhabited island. When their boat drifts away, the marooned kids must fend for themselves.
#LeaveUsAlone #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#leaveusalone #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
And he likes good coffee too.
RT @Roman_Baber
Me and the lady will drive my V6 Jeep to the store that still gives out plastic bags. Then drink alcohol while cooking red meat on her gas stove. We're not bothering you, don't bother us. #LeaveUsAlone