#UniversalCredit is one of the main sources of funding for young people #LeavingCare.
But this simply isn’t enough to live on.
How do you get blood out of a stone? No amount of budgeting skills training is going to teach you that!
On top of this, claiming Universal Credit can be a real nightmare with the very real risk of being sanctioned, potentially leading to dire consequences.
Care leavers are 5 times more likely to be sanctioned than other benefits claimants.
There must be a better way of supporting care leavers than through Universal Credit. It's too inflexible, too impersonal and too generic.
Finance would be much better managed by a specialist team of people who really understand care leavers.
And the state (having taken children into care and pushed them back out with 'questionable' levels of support once they reach adulthood) needs to take much greater responsibility for its actions.
No reasonable parent would behave like this.
@Radicalsocialworker Similarly interested in perspectives / exchanges on #ResidentialCare #ChildCare #YouthCare #LeavingCare #CareLeaver #CareLeavers #CareLeaving #ChildWelfare #YouthWelfare #FosterCare #AlternativeCare #LookedAfterChildren #ChildProtection #ChildProtectionWork #CareExperience #CareExp #CareConvos from all stakeholders, professionals or not, whether critical, neutral or supportive. If these people and topics matter to you too we have common interest! :)
#careconvos #careexp #careexperience #childprotectionwork #childprotection #lookedafterchildren #alternativecare #fostercare #youthwelfare #childwelfare #careleaving #careleavers #careleaver #leavingcare #youthcare #childcare #residentialcare