I learned that the reason why black men could not receive the #priesthood was pure #racism. I learned that the #mormonchurch is a #racist, #misogynistic organization that does not deserve the loyalty of its members - so I #resigned my membership. #whyileft #leavingchurch #exmo https://wasmormon.org/profile/jean-bodie/ #exmormon #cultsurvivor #ldschurch #mormon
#mormon #ldschurch #cultsurvivor #exmormon #exmo #leavingchurch #WhyILeft #Resigned #misogynistic #racist #mormonchurch #racism #Priesthood
The Problems with Joseph Smith and Peep Stone Translations
#exmormon #mormon #wasmormon #postmormon #gaslighting #liesmychurchtoldme #josephsmith #russellmnelson #mormonprophet #rockinhat #bookofmormon #falseprophet #fraud #hoax #ldschurch #exmo #seerstone #treasurdigging #folkmagic #churchhistory #church #leavingreligion #leavingchurch #losingmyreligion #whitewash #cult #changinthenarrative
#changinthenarrative #cult #whitewash #LosingMyReligion #leavingchurch #leavingreligion #church #churchhistory #folkmagic #treasurdigging #seerstone #exmo #ldschurch #hoax #fraud #falseprophet #bookofmormon #rockinhat #mormonprophet #russellmnelson #josephsmith #liesmychurchtoldme #gaslighting #postmormon #wasmormon #mormon #exmormon
Continue reading Bart's full #wasmormon #exmormon profile at https://wasmormon.org/profile/bart-reynolds/
Share your own #mormonprofile #mormonstory at https://wasmormon.org today!
#exmo #postmormon #mormonfaithcrisis #mormontruthclaims #faithdeconstruction #ldschurch #lds #josephsmith #fraud #charlatan #cesletter #bookofmormon #bookofabraham #dnaevidence #dna #mormonshelf #leavingchurch #mormonshelfbreakers #whyileftthechurch
#whyileftthechurch #mormonshelfbreakers #leavingchurch #mormonshelf #dna #dnaevidence #bookofabraham #bookofmormon #cesletter #charlatan #fraud #josephsmith #lds #ldschurch #faithdeconstruction #mormontruthclaims #mormonfaithcrisis #postmormon #exmo #mormonstory #mormonprofile #exmormon #wasmormon
3/4 profile spotlight on Bart: "Why I left: DNA evidence, CES Letter, Book of Abraham hoax, and Joseph Smith being a charlatan."
Continue reading Bart's full #wasmormon #exmormon profile at https://wasmormon.org/profile/bart-reynolds/
Share your own #mormonprofile #mormonstory at https://wasmormon.org today!
#exmo #postmormon #josephsmith #fraud #charlatan #cesletter #bookofmormon #bookofabraham #dnaevidence #dna #mormonshelf #leavingchurch #mormonshelfbreakers #whyileftthechurch
#whyileftthechurch #mormonshelfbreakers #leavingchurch #mormonshelf #dna #dnaevidence #bookofabraham #bookofmormon #cesletter #charlatan #fraud #josephsmith #postmormon #exmo #mormonstory #mormonprofile #exmormon #wasmormon
2/4 profile spotlight on Bart: "After serving in every ward & stake ecclesiastical position my shelf collapsed over the truth claims."
Continue reading Bart's full #wasmormon #exmormon profile at https://wasmormon.org/profile/bart-reynolds/
Share your own #mormonprofile #mormonstory at https://wasmormon.org today!
#exmo #postmormon #mormonfaithcrisis #mormontruthclaims #faithdeconstruction #mormonshelf #leavingchurch #mormonshelfbreakers #whyileftthechurch
#whyileftthechurch #mormonshelfbreakers #leavingchurch #mormonshelf #faithdeconstruction #mormontruthclaims #mormonfaithcrisis #postmormon #exmo #mormonstory #mormonprofile #exmormon #wasmormon
1/4 Profile spotlight on Bart: "I'm a 6th generation mormon, returned missionary, TBM for 40+ years. I was a #mormon."
Continue reading Bart's full #wasmormon #exmormon profile at https://wasmormon.org/profile/bart-reynolds/
Share your own #mormonprofile #mormonstory at https://wasmormon.org today!
#exmo #postmormon #mormonfaithcrisis #mormontruthclaims #faithdeconstruction #josephsmith #fraud #charlatan #cesletter #bookofmormon #bookofabraham #mormonshelf #leavingchurch #mormonshelfbreakers #whyileftthechurch
#whyileftthechurch #mormonshelfbreakers #leavingchurch #mormonshelf #bookofabraham #bookofmormon #cesletter #charlatan #fraud #josephsmith #faithdeconstruction #mormontruthclaims #mormonfaithcrisis #postmormon #exmo #mormonstory #mormonprofile #exmormon #wasmormon #mormon
Continue reading Lindsy's full #wasmormon profile at https://wasmormon.org/profile/lindsyae/ and
tell your own #mormonstory at https://wasmormon.org Join the movement #authenticity #transparency #leavingchurch #liesmychurchtoldme #recovering #tellyourstory
#tellyourstory #recovering #liesmychurchtoldme #leavingchurch #transparency #authenticity #mormonstory #wasmormon
#wasmormon #exmormon profile spotlight thread https://wasmormon.org/profile/lindsyae/
I was a #mormon. I now find peace in #meditation, #travel, connecting with my kids instead of seeking to control/indoctrinate them.
#exmo #lds #postmormon #cultsurvivor #cesletter #mentalhealth #ldschurch #ldscult #josephsmith #byu #cognitivedissonance #confirmationbias #faithdeconstruction #faithcrisis #mormonshelf #losingreligion #leavingchurch
#leavingchurch #losingreligion #mormonshelf #faithcrisis #faithdeconstruction #confirmationbias #cognitivedissonance #byu #josephsmith #ldscult #ldschurch #mentalhealth #cesletter #cultsurvivor #postmormon #lds #exmo #travel #meditation #mormon #exmormon #wasmormon
Wasmormon profile spotlight Kelly: https://wasmormon.org/profile/kelly0408/ #exmormon #ExMormons #mormonism #faithdeconstruction #LeavingChurch #exmo #postmormon
#postmormon #exmo #leavingchurch #faithdeconstruction #mormonism #exmormons #exmormon
Wasmormon profile spotlight Kelly: https://wasmormon.org/profile/kelly0408/ #exmormon #ExMormons #mormonism #faithdeconstruction #LeavingChurch #exmo #postmormon
#postmormon #exmo #leavingchurch #faithdeconstruction #mormonism #exmormons #exmormon
Wasmormon profile spotlight Kelly: https://wasmormon.org/profile/kelly0408/ #exmormon #ExMormons #mormonism #faithdeconstruction #LeavingChurch #exmo #postmormon
#postmormon #exmo #leavingchurch #faithdeconstruction #mormonism #exmormons #exmormon
Profile spotlight Erika:
Read the full #exmormon #wasmormon #postmormon #exmo profile at https://wasmormon.org/profile/erika-henderson/
Share your own #mormon story at https://wasmormon.org #ldschurch #gaslighting #lgbtq #lgbt #history #faithdeconstruction #leavingreligion #LeavingChurch #faithcrisis #truth #HistoryMatters #liesmychurchtoldme
#liesmychurchtoldme #HistoryMatters #truth #faithcrisis #leavingchurch #leavingreligion #faithdeconstruction #history #lgbt #lgbtq #gaslighting #ldschurch #mormon #exmo #postmormon #wasmormon #exmormon
Profile spotlight Erika:
'Why did I leave? Gay Don, disturbing church history as well as not being allowed to question."
Read the full #exmormon #wasmormon #postmormon #exmo profile at https://wasmormon.org/profile/erika-henderson/
Share your own #mormon story at https://wasmormon.org #ldschurch #gaslighting #lgbtq #lgbt #history #faithdeconstruction #leavingreligion #LeavingChurch #faithcrisis #truth #HistoryMatters #liesmychurchtoldme
#liesmychurchtoldme #HistoryMatters #truth #faithcrisis #leavingchurch #leavingreligion #faithdeconstruction #history #lgbt #lgbtq #gaslighting #ldschurch #mormon #exmo #postmormon #wasmormon #exmormon
Profile spotlight Erika:
"I left the lds church 9 years ago when I discovered disturbing things in church history and feel that God led me or of the Church. "
Read the full #exmormon #wasmormon #postmormon #exmo profile at https://wasmormon.org/profile/erika-henderson/
Share your own #mormon story at https://wasmormon.org #ldschurch #gaslighting #lgbtq #lgbt #history #faithdeconstruction #leavingreligion #LeavingChurch #faithcrisis #truth #HistoryMatters #liesmychurchtoldme
#liesmychurchtoldme #HistoryMatters #truth #faithcrisis #leavingchurch #leavingreligion #faithdeconstruction #history #lgbt #lgbtq #gaslighting #ldschurch #mormon #exmo #postmormon #wasmormon #exmormon
Profile Spotlight Erika:
"I was raised in the LDS church and served a mission in Austria.I taught gospel doctrine class for 4 years and gospel principles class for four years. I was a mormon."
Read the full #exmormon #wasmormon #postmormon #exmo profile at https://wasmormon.org/profile/erika-henderson/
Share your own #mormon story at https://wasmormon.org #ldschurch #gaslighting #lgbtq #lgbt #history #faithdeconstruction #leavingreligion #LeavingChurch #faithcrisis #truth #HistoryMatters #liesmychurchtoldme
#liesmychurchtoldme #HistoryMatters #truth #faithcrisis #leavingchurch #leavingreligion #faithdeconstruction #history #lgbt #lgbtq #gaslighting #ldschurch #mormon #exmo #postmormon #wasmormon #exmormon
[REPOST] Via Your Mythic Life:
On the KALLISTI blog, Kaye shares some interesting thoughts on whether there could be "a massive influx of people in polytheistic and pagan movements," and even whether Pagan traditions "are actually prepared as a movement to handle a large influx of ex-Christians."
#blog #polytheism #pagan #heathen #spirituality #SBNR #SpiritualButNotReligious #ChristianExit #LeavingChurch #PewStats #interfaith #interfaithheathen
#interfaithheathen #interfaith #pewstats #leavingchurch #christianexit #spiritualbutnotreligious #sbnr #spirituality #heathen #pagan #polytheism #blog