Adam 🐭 · @ajmaus
265 followers · 427 posts · Server

Thanks to @ccohanlon being boosted into my timeline I have this day learnt a new word, , which I like very much.

“A “life artist,” or “Lebenskuenstler” as the Germans would say, is someone who finds beauty in the colors life puts at their disposal, someone who makes do with the brushes they’ve got and doesn’t pout over a few mistaken strokes.”


Last updated 2 years ago

Adam 🐭 · @ajmaus
265 followers · 425 posts · Server

Thanks to being boosted into my timeline I have this day learnt a new word, , which I like very much.

A “life artist,” or “Lebenskuenstler” as the Germans would say, is someone who finds beauty in the colors life puts at their disposal, someone who makes do with the brushes they’ve got and doesn’t pout over a few mistaken strokes.


Last updated 2 years ago

Rainer Lebenskünstler · @rainerr
70 followers · 1010 posts · Server

Warum verwende ich den Begriff angehender ?

Den Begriff des Lebenskünstlern habe ich das erste Mal bewusst wahrgenommen, als ich mich mit intensiver Zeit genommen habe.

Ich durfte einige Zeit in am leben. Wärend dieser Zeit durfte ich mich auch einige Male mit ihm unterhalten.

Er prägt mein Denken & Handeln sehr.

das er Teil meines Lebens ist.

Meine Gedanken zu ihm

#lebenskunstler #seppbogle #Radolfzell #bodensee #danke

Last updated 2 years ago