"God of cloud and light
God of judgement and salvation
we come to you today".
#Prayers based on the #Lectionary for Proper 19, Year A (Sunday 17 September 2023)
#liturgy #clergy #worship #WorshipLeaders
#worshipleaders #worship #clergy #liturgy #lectionary #prayers
Flipping Conflict
There will be no further mention of the humble isosceles, nor its colleague, the scalene triangle. Neither will its proper relative, the right angled triangle. But triangles are used in human society as a means of using power over someone else.
"If your brother or sister sins against you, go and correct them when you are alone together. If they l
#Lectionary #Community #Conflict #DramaTriangle #EmpowermentTriangle #Matthew18
#matthew18 #empowermenttriangle #dramatriangle #conflict #community #lectionary
Evacuation Plan
In recent weeks we have seen plans for evacuating Greek islands and Maui in Hawaii. It makes obvious sense to have a plan, albeit some might question the implementation of those plans. Fo many, Christianity has its own evocation plan. Do you recall that the mnemonic BIBLE is supposed to represent Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth? Have we got this totally wrong?
In last wee
#Lectionary #Christian #Community #Jesus #Messiah
#messiah #jesus #community #christian #lectionary
Church is archaic
Often we may have heard a biblical passage and thought, what relevance has this for me? Especially today. In fact, the relevance of church is questioned by many in society. The church is archaic, old-fashioned and fails to connect with the issues of today might be one way some might put it. If anything, we can shrink back into our buildings every Sunday and feel pro
#Lectionary #Community #ekklesia #Jesus #PlainLanguage #Reality
#reality #plainlanguage #jesus #ekklesia #community #lectionary
Storm in our teacup
Why did the disciples cross the sea? No, it is not a prelude to the joke about why the chicken crossed the road, but the answer “to get to the other side” is still correct. How the disciples or the chicken gets there is immaterial, but many of us today might wish to focus our attention upon that boat. Perhaps we need to look carefully at the storm in our teacup and
#Lectionary #NannaM #Peter #Storm #StormInATeacup #ThinPlace
#thinplace #storminateacup #storm #peter #nannam #lectionary
No #LectionaryPrayers this week, I'm afraid. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible! #Lectionary #worship #Liturgy http://youtube.com/watch?v=IaupV4MzEDo&feature=youtu.be http://peterwnimmo.co.uk/2023/08/04/opening-prayers-for-6-august-2023/
#liturgy #worship #lectionary #lectionaryprayers
Privatised faith isn’t publicly owned
Death of TV
I recall hearing a clip from a TV programme about the future of television.
"Linear television will die" said the commentator.
What did they mean ‘ linear television’ ? – oh tuning into a particular channel and watching a series of programmes, like BBC1 or ITV1 or if you are olde
#Lectionary #Acts2 #Community #ekklesia #LiquidChurch #NewChurch #Transformation
#transformation #newchurch #liquidchurch #ekklesia #community #acts2 #lectionary
I missed promoting last week's #Lectionary post which was the parable of the workers all being paid the same, but read in the context of the rich young man from the previous week, so if you're looking for that:
#Lectionary post: Bread
We're reading about Jesus' temptations in the wilderness immediately after his baptism and I'm thinking about bread. Actually no. I'm thinking about clothing. Let's see if I can explain this wild tangent. A person made your clothing. Or, to be more precise, several people. Yes, even that cheap, ten dollar t-shirt that will disintegrate after half a dozen washes. There are not automated machines for clothing construction.
Keep it real
Do you know Psalm 23? Albeit written 1000 BC, it is still so familiar to many. But do we let the words to flow by us, mutter them at a funeral, and possibly not really engage with them? They were written as a prayer, so why couldn't we use them as a prayer to God, adding our bits when needed - keep it real.
Jesus is my shepherd
and I honestly feel sorry for him, becaus
#Lectionary #Life #FearNoEvil #HolyReimagining #Prayer #Psalm23
#psalm23 #prayer #holyreimagining #fearnoevil #life #lectionary
@dan In my #lectionary, because of when I started, Jeremiah was one of the first books of the #Bible I ever read completely. I missed so much! I kept telling my wife it was the tale of Jeremiah complaining about the people. I now look forward to reading through it again when it comes around, as I see deeper, and from a different angle with more context.
"Might unimaginable,
love unfathomable
present in the smallest subatomic particle
and dancing among the galaxies2.
#LectionaryPrayers for Sunday 30 July 2023 Proper 12.
30 July 2023
#lectionary #prayer #liturgy #clergy #worship #WorshipLeaders
#worshipleaders #worship #clergy #liturgy #prayer #lectionary #lectionaryprayers
Tell the difference
In the middle of Matthew 13 we have the start of the 'Kingdom of Heaven is like' passages. This is how God can be seen or how the 'church' might be seen if they respond accordingly. It may not be what is like above 'on the clouds'. It is interesting that , often, it contains opposites to give added impact. The New Testament doe this a lot. Can we tell the
#Lectionary #Darnel #KingdomOfGod #Matthew13 #Tares #WheatAndTheWeeds
#wheatandtheweeds #tares #matthew13 #kingdomofgod #darnel #lectionary
This week’s #Lectionary is on #Genesis 28:10-19a. Watch Yale Divinity School Profs. Joel Baden and John Collins as they discuss Jacob at https://yalebiblestudy.org/courses/genesis/lessons/jacob-video/
#YDS #YaleDivinitySchool #YaleBibleStudy #Genesis #Bible #Christianity #BibleStudy
#biblestudy #christianity #bible #yalebiblestudy #yaledivinityschool #yds #genesis #lectionary
A special #LectionaryPrayers this week!- Complete #prayers and commentary for Proper 11 (Year) #Sunday 23 July 2023 #lectionary #prayer #liturgy #clergy #worship #WorshipLeaders
#worshipleaders #worship #clergy #liturgy #prayer #lectionary #sunday #prayers #lectionaryprayers
#Lectionary Post: good wasn't enough for this man. https://lectionaryoutloud.wordpress.com/2023/07/14/perfect/
Should we compare?
When we start to listen to the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23), we are already perhaps moving onto the answer. Jesus is at the seaside, when a crowd joins him and he needs some space. We might have felt that emotion. People crowding into our own time, when we need - for our own wellbeing - some me-time. Time to think, to reflect on what
#Lectionary #Addiction #Church #CosmicSlotMachine #ParableOfTheSower #Seeds #Suicide
#suicide #seeds #parableofthesower #cosmicslotmachine #church #addiction #lectionary
If you use my #OpeningPrayers, you might be interested to know that I've written the Weekly Worship on the #Church of #Scotland website for a week on Sunday, 23 July. This has full #liturgy, #hymns, and thoughts on the #bible texts for the week (which no doubt the #theology experts of #Mastodon will take apart!)
#clergy #WorshipLeaders. #worship #lectionary
#lectionary #worship #worshipleaders #clergy #mastodon #theology #bible #hymns #liturgy #scotland #church #openingprayers
Praying through the #psalter and the #lectionary as part of the #DailyOffice with #coffee and Kletus this morning.
St Paul reminds us that "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone." (1 Cor 12:4-6)
I think on this concept a lot as I determine my path forward with the Lord. Am I called to lead in the laity? In the clergy? Is my work outside the church walls done in service to the Lord? We only have so many hours on this Earth, how am I called to spend them? How are you called?
#psalter #lectionary #dailyoffice #coffee #christian #anglican
In this week’s episode of the Chapter, Verse, and Season podcast, YDS Profs. Bill Goettler and Joanne Jennings discuss applying the parable of the sower to our own dynamic lives of faith in Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23. Listen at https://yalebiblestudy.org/podcast/
#YBS #YDSCCE #YDS #BibleStudy #BibleStudies #Lectionary #Podcast #ChapterVerseandSeason
#chapterverseandseason #Podcast #lectionary #biblestudies #biblestudy #yds #ydscce #ybs