Built a hacky model so I could better visualize the 'pixels' of the sheep, and the wiring that will live within.
I'm thinking that I could hang individual LEDs in the middle of each section, and have it display on both sides. #LED friends, do they make individual neopixel LEDs that are in the bulb form? I saw some at Adafruit but would prefer not to pay a dollar a bulb.
Bonus content: check out my friend's ceramic, wood fired flasks!
#ledart #woolyfair #woodworking #led
Lining up a new project for this year's Wooly Fair in Providence, which will likely be a massive (8' tall?) pixelated lamb where each pixel is a discrete LED panel (3"x3" or so), perhaps touch-sensitive for color changing. This should be a fun one!
#ledart #led #wooly #woolyfair #providence
Hi Mastadon!
I’m @daniel and I’d like tdo an #introduction
I am interested in the #weird and wonderful side of #technology and #art . I love to talk about the fun things bubbling up from this amazing #maker #revolution we find ourselves in.
I make #LEDArt with lots of friends! You may have seen me with #meltycube or under my fire kaleidoscope #tetractys. I’ll be at #PWLF in #portland
#portland #pwlf #tetractys #meltycube #ledart #revolution #maker #art #technology #weird #introduction
Descanso Gardens in La Cañada hosts a "Enchanted Forest of Light" event, decorating their gardens with LED art, like this field of Illuminated flowers. Tonight was the final night of this year's exhibit. It was really lovely, and I'll post some pictures and clips in this thread. #ledart
Orb-ification of LED cube is underway. The four matrices in the body are now covered with their 3D printed shells, and just the lid matrices are left to complete. My son said it looks like the Death Star, which made me happy, but also has me on the alert for tiny, low flying rebel spacecraft.
#ledart #ledcube #ledmatrix #3dprinting
#ledart #ledcube #ledmatrix #3dprinting
Getting ready for Hannukah. The wiring for my edge-lit Hannukiyahs from several years back is still on breadboards and held together with tape. The fact that they've survived this long is *my* Hannukah miracle!
#hannukah #hannukiyah #menorah #ledart
#hannukah #hannukiyah #menorah #ledart
Assembling the piece! I’m so excited! With all I’ve learned to make this piece a reality, I have so many ideas about where to go from here. Looking forward to making more art from #microCT data and exploring the beauty of #anatomy!
#3Dprinting #laserEngraving #smallElectronics #LEDArt #techArt #WIP #almostDone #ExtraCTSkullpture #sciart
#sciart #ExtraCTSkullpture #AlmostDone #wip #techart #ledart #smallelectronics #laserengraving #3dprinting #anatomy #microct
I’ve been working on this piece for months and finally all the parts are finished and ready to assemble! I went through several test prints and previous iterations and learned a lot on the way!
I learned how to use an Arduino, and soldered the electronics! Learned more about precise CAD design for 3D printing and techniques for finishing 3D prints! And how to laser engrave cleanly!
#3Dprinting #laserEngraving #smallElectronics #LEDArt #techArt #WIP #almostDone #ExtraCTSkullpture
#ExtraCTSkullpture #AlmostDone #wip #techart #ledart #smallelectronics #laserengraving #3dprinting
I finally get to share the bar renovation that I had the opportunity to work on with What? Productions! So much work went into this thing
#art #mastoart #artinstallation #LEDs #LEDart #psychedelic #remodeling #installationart #sculpture
#sculpture #installationart #remodeling #psychedelic #ledart #leds #artinstallation #MastoArt #art