Minimalist LED Lamp Is Circular Beauty Incarnate - Lamps used to be things built to provide light with specific purpose, whether as r... - #addressableleds #glowables #ledhacks #ws2812b #lamp #led
#led #lamp #ws2812b #ledhacks #glowables #addressableleds
Why Are We Only Just Now Hearing About LED Beaded Curtains - Beaded curtains are a pretty banal piece of home decor, unlikely to excite most in... - #addressableleds #beadedcurtain #homehacks #ledstrips #ledhacks #ledstrip #beads #led
#led #beads #ledstrip #ledhacks #ledstrips #homehacks #beadedcurtain #addressableleds
Wooden CNC Sculpture Displays Conway’s Game of Life - Conway’s Game of Life has been the object of fascination for computer hobbyists fo... - #conwaysgameoflife #cncmachined #leddisplay #ledhacks #lens #art
#art #lens #ledhacks #leddisplay #cncmachined #conwaysgameoflife
A Nifty Tool For Counting Neopixels - Picture it. You’ve got a big roll of NeoPixels, but you have no idea how many are ... - #neopixels #ledhacks #neopixel #ws2812b
#ws2812b #neopixel #ledhacks #neopixels
PentaBlinky – When One LED Is Not Blinky Enough - [michimartini] over on loves playing with multivibrator circuits, and ... - #discretetransistors #ringoscillator #classichacks #ledhacks #blinky #led
#led #blinky #ledhacks #classichacks #ringoscillator #discretetransistors
Got Fireflies? Try Talking To Them With a Green LED - [ChrisMentrek] shares a design for a simple green LED signal light intended for ex... - #weekendproject #fireflies #ledhacks #blinking #flashing #patterns #science #firefly #led
#led #firefly #science #patterns #flashing #blinking #ledhacks #fireflies #weekendproject
Enhance VR Immersion by Shoehorning an Ambilight into a Headset - Everyone wants a wider field of view in their VR headsets, but that’s not an easy ... - #virtualreality #videohacks #valveindex #ambilight #ledhacks #headset #video #fov #hmd #rgb #vr
#vr #rgb #hmd #fov #video #headset #ledhacks #ambilight #valveindex #videohacks #virtualreality
A Tale Of Two LÄMPs - Building with LEDs is a hacker pastime like no other – what’s more, if you keep pl... - #wirelessdesklamp #spotlight #ledhacks #desklamp #pcbcase #rgbleds #ywwleds #sk6812
#sk6812 #ywwleds #rgbleds #pcbcase #desklamp #ledhacks #spotlight #wirelessdesklamp
Exploring The Tech Behind Concert LED Wristbands - LED wristbands are now a common feature of large arena concerts and events, with a... - #ledwearables #ledhacks #concert #pixmob
#pixmob #concert #ledhacks #ledwearables
Do-Everything LED Indicator Light Runs From 4V to 60V - If you’re working with 3.3V or 5V circuits, it’s easy for you to throw on a power ... - #indicatorlight #indicator #ledhacks #light #led
#led #light #ledhacks #indicator #indicatorlight
Light Meets Movement with a Minimum of Parts - We often say that hardware hacking has never been easier, thanks in large part to ... - #chandelier #kineticart #ledhacks #lighting #pulley #art
#art #pulley #lighting #ledhacks #kineticart #chandelier
Math You Can Wear: Fibonacci Spiral LED Badge - Fibonacci numbers are seen in the natural structures of various plants, such as th... - #fibonaccisequence #microcontrollers #addressableled #fibonacci #ledspiral #neopixels #ledhacks #rgbled #rp2040 #spiral #badge
#badge #spiral #rp2040 #rgbled #ledhacks #neopixels #ledspiral #fibonacci #addressableled #microcontrollers #fibonaccisequence
Op Amp Contest: This Lighthouse Sculpture Flickers in the Rhythm of Chaos - Op amps are typically used to build signal processing circuits like amplifiers, in... - #circuitsculpture #chaostheory #chuacircuit #lighthouse #ledhacks #lm358 #art
#art #lm358 #ledhacks #lighthouse #chuacircuit #chaostheory #circuitsculpture
Moon Phase Lamp Uses Rotating Shade - The Moon has fascinated humanity for centuries. These days, though, it’s a trial a... - #arduinohacks #ledhacks #moonlamp #lamp #moon
#moon #lamp #moonlamp #ledhacks #arduinohacks
Hacking the IKEA OBEGRÄNSAD LED Wall Lamp - The IKEA OBEGRÄNSAD is a pixel-style LED wall lamp that comes with a few baked-in ... - #homehacks #ikeahacks #pixellamp #ledhacks #ledpanel #esp32
#esp32 #ledpanel #ledhacks #pixellamp #ikeahacks #homehacks
Building a Giant Vacuum Tube Smart Lamp - Vacuum tubes are pretty, which is why they’re often showcased externally on exquis... - #ledhacks #valve #lamp
Hacking Hue Lightbulbs - What do you do with a Hue smart lightbulb? Well, if you are [Chris Greening], you ... - #phillipshue #ledhacks #teardown #hue #led
#led #hue #teardown #ledhacks #phillipshue
LED Matrix Displays Get New Look Thanks to SMD Stencils - Even if surface-mount skills aren’t in your repertoire, chances are pretty good th... - #illustrator #ledhacks #stencil #matrix #solder #adobe #led #smd
#smd #led #adobe #solder #matrix #stencil #ledhacks #illustrator
Smooth Animations, Slick Bar Graphs, but No Custom Characters on This 16×2 OLED - Sometimes, finding new ways to use old hardware requires awesome feats of reverse ... - #animation #ledhacks #arduino #display #us2066 #16x2 #oled #rom
#rom #oled #16x2 #us2066 #display #arduino #ledhacks #animation
micro:bit Brings 3D Printed Magic Lanterns to Life - [Elenavercher] loves engaging her primary school students, inspiring their imagina... - #microcontrollers #harrypotter #comic-con #micro:bit #ledhacks #cosplay #magic
#magic #cosplay #ledhacks #micro #comic #harrypotter #microcontrollers