Gerade mal ein kleines Programm zusammengebastelt, das die aktuelle Leistung und den Tagesertrag der #Solaranlage vom #MQTT-Server holt und auf meiner #LEDMatrix-Anzeige anzeigt.
Kleines Problem: Das Display ist selbst drinnen zu dunkel wenn von draußen die Sonne ins Zimmer scheint.
#Solaranlage #mqtt #ledmatrix #balkonsolar
Ooh... This project is awesome and is a great candidate for my ToDo list:
"Building the Ultimate LED Matrix Dashboard”
#3ddruck #3dprinting #led #ledmatrix #raspi #raspberrypi
"#VW #ID5 #LedMatrix! Eins der besten #Lichtsysteme überhaupt! Ambient light - Kameras uvm #elektroauto" ...
#vw #id5 #ledmatrix #lichtsysteme #elektroauto
Small LED Matrix Numbers
#rasperberrypi #pico #micropython #ledmatrix #electronics #maker
#rasperberrypi #pico #micropython #ledmatrix #electronics #maker
Orb-ification of LED cube is underway. The four matrices in the body are now covered with their 3D printed shells, and just the lid matrices are left to complete. My son said it looks like the Death Star, which made me happy, but also has me on the alert for tiny, low flying rebel spacecraft.
#ledart #ledcube #ledmatrix #3dprinting
#ledart #ledcube #ledmatrix #3dprinting
BBC Micro:Bit as Handheld Synthesizer #Microcontrollers #lowpassfilter #MusicalHacks #bbcmicrobit #micropython #synthesizer #ledmatrix #Micro:bit #microbit #synth
#Microcontrollers #lowpassfilter #musicalhacks #bbcmicrobit #micropython #synthesizer #ledmatrix #micro #microbit #synth
BBC Micro:Bit as Handheld Synthesizer - The BBC Micro:bit, while not quite as popular in our community as other microcontr... - #microcontrollers #lowpassfilter #musicalhacks #bbcmicrobit #micropython #synthesizer #ledmatrix #micro:bit #microbit #synth
#synth #microbit #micro #ledmatrix #synthesizer #micropython #bbcmicrobit #musicalhacks #lowpassfilter #microcontrollers
Quick and dirty scrap wood stand and led matrix streaming light is ready to take on the forces of evil. #zoomdnd #ledmatrix #circuitpython
#zoomdnd #ledmatrix #circuitpython
Stream light alpha 0.1 achieved (with random lightning flashes).
Now to throw together some sort of stand. #ledmatrix #circuitpython
LED Clock has its pipes on display - For most hackers and makers, building a clock is a rite of passage. Few, though, w... - #clockhacks #ledmatrix #lightpipe #lightpipe #ledhacks #7segment #esp8266 #clock #imu
#imu #clock #esp8266 #7segment #ledhacks #lightpipe #ledmatrix #clockhacks
LED Clock has its pipes on display
#clockhacks #ledmatrix #lightpipe #lightpipe #LEDHacks #7segment #ESP8266 #clock #IMU
#clockhacks #ledmatrix #lightpipe #LEDHacks #7segment #esp8266 #clock #imu
LED Clock Uses Micro QR Codes to Show the Time - As you probably know, we love our clocks here at Hackaday. Odd display technologie... - #clockhacks #ledmatrix #ledhacks #microqr #qrclock
#qrclock #microqr #ledhacks #ledmatrix #clockhacks
LED Clock Uses Micro QR Codes to Show the Time
#clockhacks #ledmatrix #LEDHacks #microQR #QRclock
#clockhacks #ledmatrix #LEDHacks #microQR #QRclock