Why Are We Only Just Now Hearing About LED Beaded Curtains - Beaded curtains are a pretty banal piece of home decor, unlikely to excite most in... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/31/why-are-we-only-just-now-hearing-about-led-beaded-curtains/ #addressableleds #beadedcurtain #homehacks #ledstrips #ledhacks #ledstrip #beads #led
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NEW PRODUCTS – n00ds – Flexible LED Filament – 3V 300mm long in Various Colors https://blog.adafruit.com/2022/09/01/new-products-n00ds-flexible-led-filament-3v-300mm-long-in-various-colors/ #newproducts #costuming #halloween #ledstrips #wearables #bareleds #filament #ledstrip #bareled #cosplay #leds
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How to Make a Model Roller Coaster Without Any Moving Parts
#3dPrinterhacks #rollercoaster #MiscHacks #3dprinted #ledstrips #cnc
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