Lee Anderson is a snaaake!
#brexit #ToryLies #torymp #tories #gtto #ToriesOut #toryscum #ukpolitics #ToryCorruption #BrexitDisaster #BrexitReailty #strike #strikes #matthanock #LeeAnderson #LeeAndersonMP
#brexit #ToryLies #ToryMP #Tories #GTTO #ToriesOut #ToryScum #ukpolitics #ToryCorruption #BrexitDisaster #brexitreailty #strike #strikes #matthanock #LeeAnderson #leeandersonmp
Lee Anderson is a racist right wing grifter and does not speak for me.
#30pLeeDoesNotSpeakForMe #30pLee #leeanderson #LeeAndersonMP #julianFawcettMP #ToryMP
#30pleedoesnotspeakforme #30pLee #LeeAnderson #leeandersonmp #julianfawcettmp #ToryMP
With our human rights already under threat, it’s difficult to trust a leader who believes Lee Anderson is the answer to any question | Sue Wilson MBE
#LeeAndersonMP #Bylines #30pLee #DeathPenalty
#leeandersonmp #bylines #30plee #deathpenalty
Dave Brown's #RoguesGallery cartoon, after #GustaveDoré #RishiSunak #LeeAndersonMP #LeeAnderthal #30pLee #DeathPenalty #CapitalPunishment - political cartoon gallery in London original-political-cartoon.com
#roguesgallery #gustavedore #rishisunak #leeandersonmp #leeanderthal #30pLee #deathpenalty #capitalpunishment
Ben Jennings on the PM offering up his new deputy chairman #LeeAndersonMP - political cartoon gallery in London original-political-cartoon.com
I'd be more stunned by the #LeeAndersonMP #DeathPenalty interview if 30% of the country didn't also think bringing it back was a glorious idea.
#leeandersonmp #deathpenalty #ukpolitics
RT @WokeyMcWokefac3@twitter.com
30p Lee Anderson really doesn't like seeing this.
So please don't copy or RT it to him, at every available opportunity, as it might upset the fragile little snowflake.
Thank you 😊
#30pLee #DailyMail #LeeAndersonMP
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WokeyMcWokefac3/status/1617551859052589058
#30pLee #DailyMail #leeandersonmp
This week (yes just this week) patronising displays or actual offences from #Hunt (that video) #Sunak (#seatbeltgate), #Zahawi (#ZahawiGate) and #30p #LeeAndersonMP (threatening Steve Bray and doxxing his PA.)
If you want this lot permanently out of office it’s #FollowBackFriday
#FollowBackFriday #leeandersonmp #30p #zahawigate #Zahawi #seatbeltgate #Sunak #hunt
#LeeAndersonMP What have you got to say about this, you lying toe rag?
RT @Mistyswoman@twitter.com
Katy Colthop is now earning less money than her annual school fees of £60K.
What have you got to say about this #30pLee?
"Poor Katy", my fucking arse.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Mistyswoman/status/1616043884370444293
RT @DalbidEU@twitter.com
@SimonClarkeMP@twitter.com A bloke in #Ashfield claims around £200k in expenses and talks about ‘honest graft’. We pay his expenses. Same bloke thinks having a photo taken with a bacon barm and a brew portrays him as a 'man of the people'. I don’t ‘hate’ #LeeAndersonMP. I pity him. And those who laud him.
RT @DalbidEU@twitter.com
A bloke in #Ashfield claims around £200k in expenses and talks about ‘honest graft’. We pay his expenses. Same bloke thinks having a photo taken with a bacon barm and a brew portrays him as a 'man of the people'. I don’t ‘hate’ #LeeAndersonMP. I pity him. A fake in a dark place.