Shout out to the Oh God What Now podcast who linked 30p Lee eating cat food on national TV on Sunday to him "calling in sick" for the #NatCon launch.
Note: apparently Anderson was seen at Westminster tube station yesterday 😂😂
#UKPolitics #30pLee #LeeAnderthal
#leeanderthal #30pLee #ukpolitics #natcon
RT @JohnPBowenMusic
Jonathan Gullis - Cocks Summit. You couldn’t make it up! Even more Neanderthal than the #LeeAnderthal !
RT @DJmissGripper
#LeeAnderthal Man goes only where Neanderthals can 😂😂
#LeeAnderthal is one of the greatest hashtags ever
#leeanderthal #GTTO #rishisoonout
Dave Brown's #RoguesGallery cartoon, after #GustaveDoré #RishiSunak #LeeAndersonMP #LeeAnderthal #30pLee #DeathPenalty #CapitalPunishment - political cartoon gallery in London
#roguesgallery #gustavedore #rishisunak #leeandersonmp #leeanderthal #30pLee #deathpenalty #capitalpunishment