The #HongKong national security police have seized the #PillarOfShame statue commemorating the #TiananmenMassacre as “evidence” in an “inciting subversion” investigation—presumably related to the trial of @zouxingtong #LeeCheukYan & #AlbertHo.
#hongkong #pillarofshame #tiananmenmassacre #leecheukyan #albertho
R to @hkdc_us: On #LabourDay in #HongKong, remember union leaders like #CarolNg #WinnieYu & #LeeCheukYan are imprisoned & @HongKongCTU & many pro-democracy unions have been forced to close. The basic #HumanRight of #FreedomOfAssociation has ceased to exist.
#labourday #hongkong #carolng #winnieyu #leecheukyan #humanright #freedomofassociation
A striking @louisededel photo of #ElizabethTang emerging from a #HongKong police station on Mar 11 flanked by union colleagues. Arrested after visiting her husband #LeeCheukYan in prison, she was released but is barred from leaving the bigger prison of HK.
#elizabethtang #hongkong #leecheukyan
Arrested Mon morning by national security police, #AlbertHo’s had bail revoked by a judge who remanded him in custody after the prosecution argued he’d violated bail conditions. The former HK Alliance leader awaits trial with #LeeCheukyan & @zouxingtong for “inciting subversion.”
#AlbertHo has reportedly been arrested by national security police in #HongKong for “interfering with witnesses.” He was on bail awaiting a national security “subversion” trial with #LeeCheukYan & @zouxingtong, both remanded, for their work w/ HK Alliance.
#albertho #hongkong #leecheukyan
Following the release on bail of #LeeCheukYan’s wife & union leader Elizabeth Tang (arrested Thursday), her sister & Albert Ho’s brother were arrested on Saturday by national security police, allegedly for removing evidence from Tang’s residence.
Elizabeth Tang, union leader & wife of #LeeCheukYan, has been released on bail & had her passport confiscated. On Thursday she was arrested after visiting Lee in prison by national security police on suspicion of “colluding with foreign forces.”
Elizabeth Tang, wife of #LeeCheukYan, has been arrested by national security police outside Stanley Prison after visiting him there. She’s a union leader & has been attacked by CCP-owned media. She’s reportedly suspected of “colluding with foreign forces.”
R to @hkdc_us: Full list of the 15 HK labor unions publicly reported to close due to state repression since start of 2021. As stated above, the actual number may be much higher. Many union leaders are in prison incl #LeeCheukYan #WinnieYu & the 5 speech therapists for writing children’s books.
R to @XinqiSu: ...with a number of other democracy camp leaders. Au named #LeeWingTat #LeeCheukYan and #RaphaelWongHoMing. Au said Tai raised 3 points at the gathering: 1) After the pro-dem camp's landslide victory in the District Council election in 2019, how can they win more seats in LegCo
#leewingtat #leecheukyan #raphaelwonghoming
@HKLabourRights RT by @laiyanhoeric: #WinterSolstice #冬至 is a time for family reunions. Our thoughts are with all #HongKong trade union organisers incarcerated & their families🧡 ✊FREE #LeeCheukYan ✊FREE #CarolNg ✊FREE #WinnieYu ➡️
#wintersolstice #冬至 #hongkong #leecheukyan #carolng #winnieyu
#WinterSolstice #冬至 is a time for family reunions.
Our thoughts are with all #HongKong trade union organisers incarcerated & their families🧡
✊FREE #LeeCheukYan
✊FREE #CarolNg
✊FREE #WinnieYu
#wintersolstice #冬至 #hongkong #leecheukyan #carolng #winnieyu
The #HongKong gov has dismantled the labor union society in the city and persecuted group leaders in the past years. People like #LeeCheukyan #CarolNg #WinnieYu shall not be forgotten. Support @HKLabourRights in calling for their release. #FreeHKpoliticalPrisoners.
#hongkong #leecheukyan #carolng #winnieyu #freehkpoliticalprisoners
R to @hkdc_us: #LeungKwokHung & #LeeCheukYan have been convicted 6 times each & are now on trial on #NationalSecurityLaw charges. #EddieChu, #WuChiWai & #AndrewWan have been tried 6x; #JoshuaWong #AlbertHo & #ChowHangTung 4x, & all are also on trial on #NSL charges.
#leungkwokhung #leecheukyan #nationalsecuritylaw #eddiechu #wuchiwai #andrewwan #joshuawong #albertho #chowhangtung #nsl
Awaiting trial for subversion under #NationalSecurityLaw, #LeeCheukYan's been denied bail. Already tried & convicted 6 times re 2019 protests; leader of #HongKong Alliance, Labour Party & @HongKongCTU, his persecution is emblematic of the repression in HK.
#nationalsecuritylaw #leecheukyan #hongkong
Imprisoned #HongKong activist & lawyer @zouxingtong says HK govt notified her that she & co-defendants #LeeCheukYan & #AlbertHo will be denied a jury in their subversion trial—the 4th time #NationalSecurityLaw defendants will be denied jury at High Court.
#hongkong #leecheukyan #albertho #nationalsecuritylaw