Read my ★★★★★ review of Lee Child's 2000 "Running Blind," book #4 of my completist run of every Jack Reacher novel that's ever been published.
#review #book #novel #LeeChild #JackReacher #RunningBlind #crime #mystery #thriller #great #exciting #smart #clever
#review #book #novel #leechild #jackreacher #runningblind #crime #mystery #thriller #great #exciting #smart #clever
It's a Wrap! De opnames van Reacher Seizoen 2 zijn afgerond. #pimvanofferen #leechild #reacher @PrimeVideo @alanritchson @reacheronprime @reacherprimevideo
#pimvanofferen #leechild #reacher
COVER RELEASED - Vanaf 24 oktober: Het 28e boek in de Jack Reacher serie. We gaan terug in de tijd naar 1992. Erg benieuwd! #pimvanofferen #leechild #jackreacher #thrillerbooks
#pimvanofferen #leechild #jackreacher #thrillerbooks
Vanaf 24 oktober: Het 28e boek in de Jack Reacher serie. We gaan terug in de tijd naar 1992. Erg benieuwd! #pimvanofferen #leechild #jackreacher #thrillerbooks
#pimvanofferen #leechild #jackreacher #thrillerbooks
#Reacher Staffel 1 - Gute Umsetzung von #Größenwahn von #LeeChild #Buchtipp #Serientipp #Prime
#Reacher #großenwahn #leechild #buchtipp #serientipp #prime
So, what's your holiday read? #WritingCommunity Excited to see where Reacher goes, now that #LeeChild and brother #AndrewGrant have teamed up. #NoPlanB
#writingcommunity #leechild #andrewgrant #noplanb
Mocht je de boeken van Lee Child nog niet kennen? Kijk dan eerst de serie op Amazon Prime. Aanrader! #pimvanofferen #jackreacher #leechild #reacher
#pimvanofferen #jackreacher #leechild #reacher
#FoundReads In my basement laundry room there is a small shifting library. Think: #Books that no one wants anymore. In my year of living in the building, I've found a few books that piqued my interest. Last week I found #61Hours by #LeeChild. I read it in three nights, Very enjoyable.
I've read a few #Reacher books in my time. It's not something I seek out or buy, but 61 HOURS is an excellent thriller. Reacher is escapism at its finest. I'd give it an 8.5/10 on the pageturner scale. #Reading
#foundreads #books #61hours #leechild #reacher #reading
seit Dezmber 2022 auch als #Serie auf #DVD & Bluray #Reacher nach #LeeChild #SerienKritik
#serie #dvd #Reacher #leechild #Serienkritik
First book of the year with - Re-read #1 The Killing Floor & it's a marvel of one-liners and action. The TV series was bloody good too. Wam, bam, thank you ma'am...
#booktwitter #bookreviews #bookrecommendations #amreading #reading #jackreacher #leechild
#BookTwitter #bookreviews #bookrecommendations #amreading #reading #jackreacher #leechild
Some interesting ones on your list that I’ll check out!
Also in no order but read & enjoyed in 2022:
#ChildOfLight by #TerryBrooks
#Portals by #DouglasERichards
#GhostRider by #NeilPeart
#KillingFloor by #LeeChild
#TheAmberRoom by #SteveBerry
#WarLord by #BernardCornwell
#HowToPracticeTheWayToAMeaningfulLife by #DalaiLama
#childoflight #TerryBrooks #Portals #douglaserichards #ghostrider #neilpeart #killingfloor #leechild #theamberroom #steveberry #warlord #bernardcornwell #howtopracticethewaytoameaningfullife #dalailama
I like to "read" audiobooks. Usually it's fiction, for entertainment purposes while doing physical things... Mowing, washing dishes, wood working. Currently I'm "reading" Lee Child's Without Fail. I've really gotten into the Jack Reacher series of late I highly recommend checking it out if you like action, mystery, thrillers.
#Reacher #LeeChild #audiobooks #JackReacher
#reacher #leechild #audiobooks #JackReacher
Pretty tough question. Hmm 🤔
#terrypratchett #douglasadams #leechild #JimButcher #benaaronovitch #benedictjacka #philipkdick
So many more :)
#leechild #douglasadams #RogerZelazny #williamgoldman #nealstephenson #terrypratchett #joeabercrombie
Hashtags for today. Some favourite #books and #authors
#thehobbit and many more I look forward to discovering.
#books #authors #bookstadon #stephenking #terrypratchett #neilgaiman #jamesherbert #angelacarter #richardlaymon #clivebarker #lewiscarroll #piersanthony #dansimmons #ianrankin #IainBanks #irvinewelsh #agathachristie #mrjames #shaunhutson #hgwells #leechild #arthurconandoyle #ShirleyJackson #douglasadams #raymondchandler #richardayoade #tomsharpe #ramseycampbell #peterstraub #meddlingkids #thehobbit
Authors I like(not in any particular order):
#michaelconnelly #leechild #anthonyhorowitz #RobertHarris #LyndaLaPlante #SteveCavanagh #agathachristie #HarlanCoben #JoNesbo
Authors I read, nearly all crime related; #RJBarker #RJDark, #ChrisBrookmyre, #MarkBillingham, #BenAaronovitch, #AndrewCartmell, #LeeChild, #MichaelConnelly, #JohnConnolly, #JeffreyDeaver, #JasperFforde, #CarlHiaasen, #StuartMacBride, #CharlotKing, #ValMcDermid, #VaseemKhan, #AbirMukherjee, #WilburSmith, #SimonBeckett, #AhathaChristie, #SophieHannah, #AnthonyHorowitz and others.
#rjbarker #rjdark #chrisbrookmyre #markbillingham #benaaronovitch #andrewcartmell #leechild #michaelconnelly #johnconnolly #jeffreydeaver #jasperfforde #carlhiaasen #stuartmacbride #charlotking #valmcdermid #vaseemkhan #abirmukherjee #wilbursmith #simonbeckett #ahathachristie #sophiehannah #anthonyhorowitz