Voorstel voor een Q-Link OV-Ringlijn #Groningen beide richtingen gericht op betere onderlinge verbindingen van de kernen in de schil. Nu moet je in veel gevallen via Hoofdstation met overstap aldaar reizen.
#Haren - #Paterswolde - #Eelde - #Peize - #Roden - #Leek - #Zuidhorn - #Aduard - #Zernike - #Kardinge - #Europapark
#europapark #kardinge #zernike #aduard #zuidhorn #leek #roden #peize #eelde #paterswolde #haren #groningen
Come on, everyone, sing along!
#flash #leek
So you’re a red arsed #bumblebee worker. You’ve been working the flowers for hours collecting nectar/pollen. You need a bit of ‘me’ time before you return to the hustle and bustle of the nest…
This is how you do it.
Brings to mind the Homer Simpson hedge GIF.
#bees #bumblebees #leek
#beesanctuaryireland #nature
#bumblebee #bees #bumblebees #leek #beesanctuaryireland #nature #naturephotography #NatureBasedSolutions #beesofmastodon
https://superwaezenburglaan.petities.nl nieuwe #petitie "Behoud de supermarkt aan de Waezenburglaan in Leek" #leek #westerkwartier
#Westerkwartier #leek #petitie
The Power of Porree
This plant was the rest (root) of some #leek used for cooking, maybe 5cm long.I put it in a glass with water - and it began to grow. After two weeks I planted it in the garden where it grew even larger. Now it is about to #blossom Will give us lots of seeds for next year. 🙂
#leek #blossom #garden #nature #magic #5dmkii #sigma #105mm #closeup
11:22u Opschaling in Leek (Zeer grote brand) (GRIP 2)
Locatie: Tolberterstraat, Leek
Soort brand: bijeenkomst, keuken
VR: Groningen
#P2000 #leek
11:19u Opschaling in Leek (Zeer grote brand) (GRIP 1)
Locatie: Tolberterstraat, Leek
Soort brand: bijeenkomst, keuken
VR: Groningen
#P2000 #leek
11:06u Opschaling in Leek (Zeer grote brand) (GRIP 1)
Locatie: Leek
VR: Groningen
#P2000 #leek
10:47u Opschaling in Leek (Zeer grote brand) (GRIP 1)
Locatie: Tolberterstraat, Leek
Soort brand: bijeenkomst, keuken
VR: Groningen
#P2000 #leek
10:44u Opschaling in Leek (Zeer grote brand)
Locatie: Tolberterstraat, Leek
Soort brand: bijeenkomst, keuken
VR: Groningen
#P2000 #leek
10:38u Opschaling in Leek (Grote brand)
Locatie: Tolberterstraat, Leek
Soort brand: bijeenkomst, keuken
VR: Groningen
#P2000 #leek
10:35u Opschaling in Leek (Middel brand)
Locatie: Tolberterstraat, Leek
Soort brand: bijeenkomst, keuken
VR: Groningen
#P2000 #leek
I’ve done a gardening stereotype.
I had better go and stick it in my Monmouth cap… #Leek
17:19u Opschaling in Leek (Middel brand)
Locatie: Grietenij, Leek
Soort brand: woning, zolder
VR: Groningen
#P2000 #leek
RT @DanielsTweeties
Voorstel voor Q-Link OV-Ringlijn #Groningen die gericht is op betere onderlinge verbindingen van de kernen in de schil.
#Zuidhorn - #Leek - #Roden - #Peize - #Eelde - #Paterswolde - #Haren - #Leeuwenborg - #Kardinge - #Zernike - #Zuidhorn.
@OVbureau @provgroningen @ProvDrenthe
#groningen #zuidhorn #leek #roden #peize #Eelde #paterswolde #haren #leeuwenborg #kardinge #zernike
The photo is a close up of tan, brown, and gray leaf litter. A native plant is emerging from the litter. It is right of center. The emerging plant looks like four olive green dolphins with happy faces, just out of the surface. A mottled blue stone is left of center. It has moved here from Canada. #Minnesota, #NativePlant, #Leek.
逢沢りな 江戸風情の福島大内宿と高遠そば https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1708141/gravure-idols/
#actress #Aizawa #Edo #Fashion #Fukushima #hot #idol #leek #Long #Ohuchijyuku #rina #soba #Spring #Takato #Taste #trip #あい #ドル #ネギ #ファッション #女優 #旅 #逢沢りな
#actress #aizawa #edo #fashion #fukushima #hot #idol #leek #long #ohuchijyuku #rina #soba #spring #takato #taste #trip #あい #ドル #ネギ #ファッション #女優 #旅 #逢沢りな
Very alive, this soil.
The soil is taken from the compost heap, and I had to weed it today. There are tiny leek sown, but also some foxgloves shows up. Hubs will eat the cress-like ones if he is allowed, but I am afraid of the poisonous ones. So all non-leek is now gone. Foxgloves got their own pot, they will have a stage as soon as someone help me with a ladder.
I know these plants are late to the party, but we keep them mostly for the bumblebees and hooverflies on year two.