To be fair we don't actually prescribe to thinking — that is how we are up into little confused tribes, how they trigger meatBrained .

We are so much and more effective when we realise .

#leftRightParadigm #divided #tribalism #better #wearethe99percent

Last updated 3 years ago

Cos we still believe in the whole .

If we can't jump from to that other steaming pile of flame-grilled turd we only have the those other minority groups to blame. They were only being shovelled into hellholes due to gentrification to serve real-estate moguls... and now it'll all be their fault for a Trump re-election.

They deserve everything.

Silly oppressed people don't deserve a fair go and country worth living in.

@Ox @realcaseyrollins @djsumdog @death

#leftRightParadigm #trump

Last updated 4 years ago