Today at work we spent an hour debugging why on earth a specific NPC wouldn’t pick up a book and place it on a shelf correctly. We combed through every line of script, inspecting and re-exporting animations, enabling every debug feature we had.
Finally my colleague noticed “oh she’s using her left hand not her right”.
Many facepalms ensued, then we replaced “right” with “left” on the one line of script that bound the book to the hand, and that was the end of that.
#gamedev #lefthanded
@stavvers #Lefthanded scissors, rulers, even analog clocks are brilliant, too/
good day to you, my people! I stand with you in the fight against right supremacy!
the right man can't hold me down!
down with righty, and their right privilege!
continue fighting right people with all you have #left!
#lefthanded #internationalLeftHandedDay
#left #lefthanded #internationallefthandedday
#TLoZ#Totk #Logs #Idiosyncratic #GameAlcea
#Incase you were #wondering:
I have a #strange #approach to #everything.
I'll probably give you a #lefthanded #handshake if I meet you..
Or do this:
#tloz #logs #idiosyncratic #gamealcea #incase #wondering #yes #strange #approach #everything #lefthanded #handshake
Do they make #LeftHanded mugs? I’d love to be able to see the silly picture while I’m drinking…
The key to my new #Kia is #righthanded. I am #lefthanded. Awkward when I wanna go get the car started.
The older I get, the more convinced I’ve become that behind left-handed should be considered a disability…
@w7voa He gives us #LeftHanded folk a bad name.
#lefthanded #usecamelcasesoscreenreadingsoftwareworksbetter
Left-handers of Mastodon!
Have you ever used a Lamy left-handed fountain pen? If so, did it offer any tangible benefits to your writing?
Ever since I first learned of their existence, I've been fascinated to try one, but £20 seems a lot for the kind of writing I do.
#lefthanded #lefthand #writing #pens
Me he topado con un montón de memes sobre ser zurdo y prometo estar fastidiando mucho con ellos este 13 de agosto:
Anya grows up in Russia with people telling her to stop using her left hand and to instead use her right. The advice and criticism are endless. Meanwhile, she’s an artist! This book makes the reader aware of the discrimination left-handed people have experienced. The artwork is stunning, rich, and a blend of bright colors and sepia tones. #lefthanded #picturebook #childrensbook #kidlit #bookreview #bookrecommendations
#bookrecommendations #bookreview #kidlit #childrensbook #picturebook #lefthanded
I'm completely freaking out a co-worker by using chopsticks left-handed. Apparently that's a sign of something evil in her culture. Sorry, can't use them right-handed.
If anyone knows a #lefthanded #gardener please out us in touch.
I have so many single gloves to swap from the last 10 years...
Pikachu’s body is completed and he has a tail and two stripes ready to be sewn on.
Still to be done are the ears, arms and feet. And then sewing it all together!
To get the tail to face the right way I had to crochet it right-handed - and I’m not!
What are the odds on being #ActuallyAutistic, #NonBinary, & #LeftHanded ? I'm all 3.
If we said 1 in 10 of the male population for each, this would make me 1 in 1000.
I can't believe that it's as rare as that.
#NonBinary covers many different genders / sexualities, so this could be as high as 1 in 3 I guess.
#Neurodivergent #ActuallyAutistic #Gay #LGBTQIA #NonBinary #LeftHanded.
#actuallyautistic #nonbinary #lefthanded #neurodivergent #gay #lgbtqia
My white trash lap desk is my current favorite productivity thing.
The alt text is being weird, so I’ma describe it here: A piece of plywood with heavy duty rubber bands stretched across it. There is a small notebook being held in place by the rubber bands.
Growing up left-handed wasn't much fun. Even today, there are plenty of reminders that I'm still living in a right-handed world.
#LeftHanded #conformity #memories #childhood #Medium #MediumWriters
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#lefthanded #conformity #memories #childhood #medium #mediumwriters