Buen día al #MastoEs ✨
Ayer se me pasó publicar algo sobre el día del zurdo, así que para empezar la semana dejo este video aquí:
¿Por qué algunas personas son zurdas? - Daniel M. Abrams
#LeftHandersDay #LeftHand
#mastoes #lefthandersday #lefthand
A belated #LeftHandersDay greeting.
If the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body - only lefthanders are in their right mind!😉😊
In honor of #LeftHandersDay, which it apparently is, a Medium post I wrote on the experience of being a leftie and how it helped me get insight into the vast sea of what I don't know about racism.
Since today is the #LeftHandersDay, I want to send my regards to IKEA, who refuses to acknowledge the existence of 10% of the population
Happy #LeftHandersDay to my ink-smudged pals. https://www.lefthandersday.com/
Happy Left Handed Day to those of us who celebrate! 🎉 #lefthandersday #leftist
International Left Handers Day on August 13th recognizes all those individuals who have mastered using their left hand in a right-handed world. We take our hats off to you – left-handed! #LeftHandersDay
The persecution of left-handers throughout history is a reminder of the importance of defending individual rights. Today we celebrate the strength of left-handed individuals who have overcome historical discrimination, and the contributions they've made to art, science, and innovation, enriching the world. #LeftHandersDay
Happy International Left Handers Day to all of the lovely Left Handed people in the world. //To my fellow, left handed people happy linternational left handed day
#InternationalLeftHandersDay #lefthandersday
#lefthandersday #internationallefthandersday
Five years ago, saying you were 'a Lefty' was less contentious😄😄😄😄
13th August: International Left-handers' Day.