#Guardian #msm #Starmer #Labour #UK #politics
Like millions of #Leftwingers I am stuck wondering who the hell to vote for. In #England Labour should be an obvious choice. They are better than the #Tories but so is a used wet wipe. As for policies, almost everything Starmer or most of the #PLP says makes me furious so where does that take us?
I wish the Left had the sense to form a new united Left political party and gave us something to vote for and campaign through.
Or I could emigrate.
#PLP #tories #england #leftwingers #politics #uk #labour #starmer #msm #guardian
@spiritsplice @Autumn @MartinJJ
You do understand that when #Leftwingers talk about '#diversity', they mean all the flavors of hurt feelings, disadvantaged, crippled and victimhood mentality, combined with critical theory and other Marxist mental contortionism?
Starmer allies reject claims leftwingers blocked from standing for Labour | Labour | The Guardian #starmer #allies #reject #claims #leftwingers #blocked #from #standing #labour #guardian #1luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL3BvbGl0aWNzLzIwMjIvanVsLzAxL3N0YXJtZXItYWxsaWVzLXJlamVjdC1jbGFpbXMtbGVmdHdpbmdlcnMtYmxvY2tlZC1mcm9tLXN0YW5kaW5nLWZvci1sYWJvdXI=
#1luglio #guardian #labour #standing #from #blocked #leftwingers #claims #reject #allies #starmer
And here we go…
Center figure of anti-lockdown group #Viruswaanzin in #GitmoLowlands invites #BLM to demonstrate with them. His sweetheart is with BLM, it appears. Either deliberately or foolishly (#leftwingers think that any other viewpoint should be acceptable to anyone) he destroys the goodwill.
Ian Crane warns against mixing in other topics in his presentation:
#viruswaanzin #gitmolowlands #blm #leftwingers
Typical for #leftwingers is that they cannot focus on one single topic. They always need to drag in other viewpoints which they regard as truth. Ian R. Crane addresses this in his presentation on 5G, taking from his experience in dealing with #fracking.
Grrreat! #Leftwingers #Amsterdam is considering training for civil servants on white privilege.
Comedian Jo Brand suggests using battery acid in stead of milk shakes when dealing with certain politicians. #Brexit #Leftwingers