RT @floryannelli
Last day of #BES2020! Interested in what happens after removing a dominant woody legume? Then, check out my online presentation at the British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2022. #BES2022 - via #Whova event app
#bes2020 #bes2022 #whova #legacyeffects #invasionecology #restorationecology
Last day of #BES2020! Interested in what happens after removing a dominant woody legume? Then, check out my online presentation at the British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2022. #BES2022 - via #Whova event app
#bes2020 #bes2022 #whova #legacyeffects #invasionecology #restorationecology
I'm presenting online a mix of our work on #legacyeffects after #plantinvasions in South Africa's fynbos. If you're attending, check it out and shoot me a message 🤗
Come check out our Online Talk / Poster at British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2022. #BES2022 - via #Whova event app
#legacyeffects #plantinvasions #bes2022 #whova
Anyone out here interested and/or working on #legacyeffects by #InvasiveSpecies after their removal?
#legacyeffects #invasivespecies #restoration