The Lawprofs Mastodon Instance – A Call for Community Volunteers
IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ: The Lawprofs community on Mastodon has come through its initial growth phase, and needs your help to sustain itself going forward. Read about what we need, and please volunteer your time and expertise.
#LegalAcademy #LegalEducation #ProfessionalNews #Uncategorized
#legalacademy #legaleducation #professionalnews #uncategorized
I'm a Colombiano living in the USA, teaching international human rights. I made wonderful friends & professional contacts in the birdspace & would love to continue the conversation here
#HumanRights #TransitionalJustice #SocialJustice #SocialRights #ClimateJustice #Gender #immigration #WomensRights #ReproductiveJustice #GlobalSouth #Decoloniality #LegalAcademy #Colombia #Latam #InternationalLaw #InternationalCriminalLaw #ConstitutionalLaw #SIDH #LGBTQIA #TransRights #Sports&HumanRights
#humanrights #transitionaljustice #socialjustice #socialrights #climatejustice #gender #immigration #womensrights #reproductivejustice #globalsouth #Decoloniality #legalacademy #Colombia #latam #internationallaw #internationalcriminallaw #constitutionallaw #sidh #lgbtqia #transrights #sports