#Women and #LegalHistory: a few thoughts ...https://vifgage.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/2023/08/30/marguerite-gollancz-academia-and-the-archivist/
Today in #Connecticut History, August 26: 42 Years After Independence, Connecticut Finally Gets A Constitution.
Read the Story and Subscribe for Daily Updates
#19thcentury #august #connecticuthistory #constitutionof1818 #constitutionalhistory #democracy #hartford #law #legalhistory #oliverwolcott #politicalhistory #politicsandgovernment #thestate
#connecticut #19thcentury #august #connecticuthistory #constitutionof1818 #constitutionalhistory #democracy #hartford #law #legalhistory #oliverwolcott #politicalhistory #politicsandgovernment #thestate
Today in #Connecticut History, August 24: U. S. Navy Intercepts “The Long, Low Black Schooner” Amistad
Read the Story and Subscribe for Daily Updates
#19thcentury #abolitionism #africanamericanhistory #amistad #august #connecticuthistory #johnquincyadams #laamistad #law #legalhistory #newhaven #rogershermanbaldwin #slavery #slaveryandabolition #supremecourt
#connecticut #19thcentury #abolitionism #africanamericanhistory #amistad #august #connecticuthistory #johnquincyadams #laamistad #law #legalhistory #newhaven #rogershermanbaldwin #slavery #slaveryandabolition #supremecourt
Today in #Connecticut History, August 16: The Bar Unbarred — Connecticut’s First Woman Lawyer
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#19thcentury #august #connecticutfirsts #connecticuthistory #connecticutwomen #education #law #legalhistory #maryhall #womenhartford #women'ssuffrage #womenshistory #work
#connecticut #19thcentury #august #connecticutfirsts #connecticuthistory #connecticutwomen #education #law #legalhistory #maryhall #womenhartford #women #womenshistory #work
Edmund Robinson's deposition during the Pendle witch trials. Step back into the 16th century as we delve into original examinations and depositions.
#16thcentury #pendlewitches #paranomal #witchcraft #history #histodon #truecrime #crimehistory #16thCenturyHistory #WitchTrials #LegalHistory #WitnessTestimony #folklore #HighStrangeness
#16thcentury #pendlewitches #paranomal #witchcraft #history #histodon #truecrime #CrimeHistory #16thcenturyhistory #witchtrials #legalhistory #witnesstestimony #folklore #highstrangeness
Neue Folge des #Podcast Jüdische Geschichte Kompakt:
Die #DDR und der Jerusalemer #EichmannProzess
Annette Leo & Katharina Rauschenberger(@FritzBauerInstitut ) im Gespräch mit Anna-Dorothea Ludewig & Lutz Fiedler (beide #MMZPotsdam )
#histodons #Zeitgeschichte #LegalHistory #GDR #AdolfEichmann #Israel #ContemporaryHistory #Holocaust #Vergangenheitspolitik #Geschichtspolitik
@histodons @historikerinnen @jewishstudies
▶️ https://juedischegeschichtekompakt.podigee.io/46-die-ddr-und-der-jerusalmer-eichmann-prozess
#geschichtspolitik #vergangenheitspolitik #holocaust #contemporaryhistory #Israel #AdolfEichmann #gdr #legalhistory #Zeitgeschichte #histodons #mmzpotsdam #EichmannProzess #ddr #Podcast
The Onion: Oath Keeper Shoots Out Other Eye https://www.theonion.com/oath-keeper-shoots-out-other-eye-1850606795 #disasteraccident #oathofafreeman #humaninterest #legalhistory #bodytext #keeper #sports #oaths
#disasteraccident #oathofafreeman #humaninterest #legalhistory #bodytext #keeper #sports #oaths
Event for Chinese #legalhistory this Sat. (07/08), Beijing:
Location: China University of Political Science and Law (Haidian Campus)
I am presenting recent research on Fugitive Law (逃人法) in early #Qing era (c. 1644-1658).
Welcome to our discussion!
New SLSA Blog Post: Towards a Subversive Legal Education
Having previously argued why a historical approach to law is necessary, my new SLSA blog post explores how we can achieve this in Law Schools and how my new textbook can help.
Read the blog post at: https://slsablog.co.uk/blog/blog-posts/towards-a-subversive-legal-education/
For more information on the textbook see: https://www.cambridge.org/highereducation/books/a-historical-introduction-to-english-law/B058B16EDA67ED66745DB7EDFF5B96C2#overview
#law #lawschools #lawcurriculum #legaleducation #legal #history #lawstudent #lawstudents #legalhistory
#legalhistory #lawstudents #lawstudent #history #legal #legaleducation #lawcurriculum #lawschools #law
I wrote a theory that is a revisioning of the courts in two pages in two hours:
(there is no tracking, ads, or any nuisance on this static webpage)
@law #Law #LawFedi #Lawyer #Judge #Court #Courts #HistoryOfLaw #Legal #LegalHistory #Theory #LegalTheory #Humanities #Academia #AcademicChatter #Labor #LaborRights #HumanRights #CivilRights #CreativeCommons #EqualPay #IncomeInequality #Inequality #FairPay #IncomeParity #Database #History #Histodons
#law #lawfedi #lawyer #judge #court #courts #historyoflaw #legal #legalhistory #theory #legaltheory #humanities #academia #academicchatter #labor #laborrights #humanrights #civilrights #creativecommons #equalpay #incomeinequality #inequality #fairpay #incomeparity #database #history #histodons
To find out more order my latest book, ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’. You can get 20% off if you order it directly from Cambridge University Press and use the discount code SANDBERG23:
#radio #radiointerview #law #bbc #bbcwales #bbcradio #bbcradiowales #legalhistory #wales #commonlaw #lawyers #lawstudents #lawstudent
#lawstudent #lawstudents #lawyers #commonlaw #Wales #legalhistory #bbcradiowales #bbcradio #bbcwales #bbc #law #radiointerview #radio
I’m looking forward to talking about my latest book, ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’ (https://www.cambridge.org/gb/universitypress/subjects/law/legal-history/historical-introduction-english-law-genesis-common-law?format=PB) on ‘Sunday Supplement’ tomorrow on BBC Radio Wales.
#law #legal #history #commonlaw #legaleducation #legalhistory #radio #radiointerview
#radiointerview #radio #legalhistory #legaleducation #commonlaw #history #legal #law
Get 20% off my book, ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’ if you order it from Cambridge University Press with the code SANDBERG23: https://www.cambridge.org/gb/universitypress/subjects/law/legal-history/historical-introduction-english-law-genesis-common-law?format=PB
Tune in to this week’s ‘Sunday Supplement’ on BBC Radio Wales at 8.00am where I’m being interviewed about the book.
#law #legal #history #commonlaw #legaleducation #legalhistory #radio #radiointerview
#radiointerview #radio #legalhistory #legaleducation #commonlaw #history #legal #law
Good morning, #histodons! What are you looking at today? Lots on my desk this morning but I've got this 1790 Isaiah Thomas (Worcester, MA) edition of Blackstone's commentaries on my mind. #bookhistory #legalhistory #amwriting #preppingtowrite
#histodons #bookhistory #legalhistory #amwriting #preppingtowrite
I’m looking forward to appearing on BBC Radio Wales’ ‘Sunday Supplement’ this weekend to discuss my latest book that contends that a historical approach to law is necessary and that the stories of law’s history need to be more widely known.
Tune in at 8.00am on Sunday or listen afterwards on BBC Sounds.
To find out more about the book and to order your copy go to: https://www.cambridge.org/highereducation/books/a-historical-introduction-to-english-law/B058B16EDA67ED66745DB7EDFF5B96C2
#law #history #legal #legalhistory #legaleducation #commonlaw #stories
#stories #commonlaw #legaleducation #legalhistory #legal #history #law
‘And what do you call this leaflet, boy? It is no guide to the history of the law of England’.
Avoid such disappointment and order a copy of my new book which explores the genesis of the common law.
(Photo taken at Pembroke Castle)
#legalhistory #legaleducation #legal #history #law
Can someone please point me to information about what makes Mary L. Dudziak a "digital history pioneer"? (The ASLH's prize for digital legal history is named after her.)
I do know her from reading the Legal History Blog, but maybe there is more than founding a blog and contributing to the blogosphere being a respected space for legal history dialogue...
I must admit it is a bit embarrassing that I was not able to find such information (or know it in the first place). I seem to have been using useless search terms all the time.
#lawfedi #legalhistory #digitallegalhistory
Delighted to be interviewed by Faculti about the historical origins of the common law and why that story needs to be understood by all who study or come into contact with English law.
Watch the video at: A Historical Introduction to English Law https://faculti.net/a-historical-introduction-to-english-law/
#law #legal #history #legaleducation #legalhistory #commonlaw #interview #video
#video #interview #commonlaw #legalhistory #legaleducation #history #legal #law
So pleased to see NPR feature the work of my brilliant friend & grad school classmate Justin Simard, who is uncovering how courts continue to cite property cases about enslaved people as good law. #histodons #law #slavery #legalhistory
#histodons #law #slavery #legalhistory
#law #commonlaw #legal #publiclaw #constitution #criminallaw #contractlaw #tort #tortlaw #propertylaw #landlaw #trustsandwills #trustslaw #equity #equityandtrusts #employmentlaw #lawstudents #lawschool #legaleducation #legalhistory
#legalhistory #legaleducation #lawschool #lawstudents #employmentlaw #equityandtrusts #equity #trustslaw #trustsandwills #landlaw #propertylaw #tortlaw #Tort #contractlaw #criminallaw #constitution #publiclaw #legal #commonlaw #law