¿what if I told you?
If you're in a Shrink's_Office with such a Table and you Fail to Clear it Off in order to Play_Faro you're Just_Retarded:
#cannabis #legalize_it #headonistic_vs_sadistic
¿what if I told you? he is Troll_Wolf the likes of which lives under the Same_Bridge wherein ye lay, the Same_Bridge you are indeed Burning:
#go_amero #socialism_now #legalize_it #enmarcado_de_0r0 #vive_l
P.S.A.: House_Mice are so HarmLess they are Scared of Rats: in the Wild they may Survive for something of a year; in Captivity they reach up to 2 years and more:
#mexico #free_my_people #legalize_it