Harvard classes start
Chinese and socialism then
Legally Blonde ends
#harvard #education #legallyblonde #haiku #poetry
#harvard #education #legallyblonde #haiku #poetry
in desperate need of more movies/shows focused on relationships between women that aren’t romance, give me more #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce and #barbie and #turningred and #legallyblonde (bonus points for healing #motherdaughter relationships). currently watching #marvelousmrsmaisel
#everythingeverywhereallatonce #barbie #turningred #legallyblonde #motherdaughter #marvelousmrsmaisel
Random #LegallyBlonde thought: when Elle tells Emmett that she's discriminated against because she's blonde, I get what she's getting at in context, but also I wanna tilt my head and show both the character and the actress what discrimination looks like.
@jonathanwatts @dpcarrington @marcowenjones
What proportion are #legallyblonde? Would be funny if it wasn't so deathly
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Jezebel Watches ‘Bounce’: The Bummer Movie Gwyneth Paltrow and Ben Affleck Made Together After Dating https://jezebel.com/gwyneth-paltrow-ben-affleck-movie-bounc-1850287222 #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #benaffleck28buddy29 #rise3abloodhunter #shakespeareinlove #goodwillhunting #gwynethpaltrow #rottentomatoes #creativeworks #johnnygalecki #legallyblonde #carolineaaron #jenniferlopez #edwinmccain #howardstern #benaffleck #elf
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #benaffleck28buddy29 #rise3abloodhunter #shakespeareinlove #goodwillhunting #gwynethpaltrow #rottentomatoes #creativeworks #johnnygalecki #legallyblonde #carolineaaron #jenniferlopez #edwinmccain #howardstern #benaffleck #elf
Así como Nate (#TheDevilWearsPrada) es el verdadero villano de la historia y una piltrafa como novio, Emmet (#LegallyBlonde) es uno de los mejores novios (luego prometido) que he visto en películas.
#thedevilwearsprada #legallyblonde #peliculasconsaku
Last performance of #Nine the #musical today. I've been battling a wicked cold (not COVID, thankfully) and whew, there were some long phrases on #flute and #alto flute that had me preparing my breaths very, very carefully to avoid a coughing fit. I did it, though!
Next show I'm practicing for is #LegallyBlonde.
#nine #musical #flute #alto #legallyblonde
Nice #easteregg for #legallyblonde - https://www.google.com/search?q=legally+blonde (click on the pink bag)
Iconic actress #RaquelWelch has died at 82 following a brief illness, according to her family. Welch began her Hollywood career in 1964 and appeared on TV (#Bewitched, #McHalesNavy) until 1966 when #FantasticVoyage and #OneMillionYearsBC made her a star. Her film credits include #Bedazzled, #MyraBreckenridge, #LegallyBlonde and #HowToBeALatinLover. TV credits include #MorkAndMindy, #LoisAndClark, #CentralParkWest, #Seinfeld, #SpinCity, #CSIMiami and #DateMyDad. #RIP
#raquelwelch #bewitched #mchalesnavy #fantasticvoyage #onemillionyearsbc #bedazzled #myrabreckenridge #legallyblonde #howtobealatinlover #morkandmindy #loisandclark #centralparkwest #seinfeld #spincity #csimiami #datemydad #rip
I couldn’t help myself 🖤
Think I finally understand how frustrating it is to be the smartest person in the room, & it sucks
Reading & seeing all these “what could it possibly be” msm articles could drive one to drink I swear
#covidIsNotOver #CovidIsNotACold #nocovid #zerocovid #sarscov2 #CovidPSA #PSA #LegallyBlonde #ElleWoods
#CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotacold #noCovid #ZeroCovid #sarscov2 #covidpsa #psa #legallyblonde #ellewoods
Pink News: Women dominate at WhatsOnStage awards, proving gender-neutral categories can work https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/02/13/whatsonstage-awards-winners-gender-neutral/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #DivinadeCampo #LegallyBlonde #jodiecomer #Culture #Theatre #Wicked
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #divinadecampo #legallyblonde #jodiecomer #Culture #theatre #wicked
Pink News: Reese Witherspoon drops major hint about Jennifer Coolidge’s role in Legally Blonde 3 https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/02/03/legally-blonde-3-reese-witherspoon-jennifer-coolidge-return/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #JenniferCoolidge #ReeseWitherspoon #LegallyBlonde #mindykaling #Celebrity #Culture #Film
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #jennifercoolidge #reesewitherspoon #legallyblonde #mindykaling #celebrity #Culture #Film
Do we know why Elle didn't wear the dress we see her buying to her dare with Warner? This is one of those things I think of randomly #legallyblonde
The thing about being a gay nerd is that you know obscure bits like why the bowl of petunias said, "Oh no, not again," while at the same time being able to watch "Legally Blonde" and point out where the inspiration for the songs in the musical come from ... and where the dialogue is pretty much the same, and why Kahless was such a controversial figure in the Klingon Empire.
#Gay #Nerd #LegallyBlonde #HitchhikersGuide #StarTrek #Klilngon
#klilngon #startrek #hitchhikersguide #legallyblonde #nerd #gay
Okay, 4.7 mile walk done. Another shower to feel fresh. No B&J but got my feel good movie playing while I read for a bit. 🥰 #LegallyBlonde #Heartstopper
🎬 #7filmstoknowme In no particular order ....
#7filmstoknowme #tremors #ghostintheshell #labyrinth #hackers #legallyblonde #theprincessbride #thelostboys
In no order.
#7fillmstoknowme #rogueone #startrekiv #legallyblonde #tombstone #sharknado #themartian #labyrinth
‘Legally Blonde’ was great. The talent and energy of everyone involved; the strength of the leads; 200+ students finding extra time over 8 weeks; the commitment demanded of the teachers involved; and a celebration of being able to work together in this way for the first time in three years.
Still not a fan of musicals, though …
#LegallyBlonde. #FallibroomeHighSchoolMacclesfield
#legallyblonde #FallibroomeHighSchoolMacclesfield
#HashtagDump of some favourite stuff:
Music: #Prince #StevieWonder #NatKingCole #ChetBaker #GaryMoore #LedZeppelin #LadyBlackbird #AlGreen #CaravanOfThieves
Films: #BladeRunner1982 #VForVendetta #You'veGotMail #LegallyBlonde #AnUnexpectedJourney #Arrival #TheShapeOfWater #RaidersOfTheLostArk #DieHard #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy #BlackPanther #TheNeverendingStory
Books: #TheDiscoveryOfHeaven #IHeardTheOwlCallMyName #TheCultureSeries #Dracula
Podcasts: #ThePrehistoryGuys #FabulousFolkloreWithIcy
#hashtagdump #prince #steviewonder #natkingcole #chetbaker #garymoore #ledzeppelin #ladyblackbird #algreen #caravanofthieves #bladerunner1982 #vforvendetta #you #legallyblonde #anunexpectedjourney #arrival #theshapeofwater #raidersofthelostark #diehard #guardiansofthegalaxy #blackpanther #theneverendingstory #thediscoveryofheaven #iheardtheowlcallmyname #thecultureseries #dracula #theprehistoryguys #fabulousfolklorewithicy
Most comments here are about the immediate past or something ongoing.
So how about the joys of anticipation?
Tonight, I am going to a school production of ‘Legally Blonde.’ At the risk of serial unfollowing, I confess I’ve never seen the film - and I’m not a fan of musicals. But my granddaughter is involved backstage and the school’s track record with such productions is highly impressive. So here’s to anticipating a wonderful show!
#LegallyBlonde. #FallibroomeHighSchoolMacclesfield
#legallyblonde #FallibroomeHighSchoolMacclesfield