Dans le cadre de la Masterweek 2023 de l'Uni de Fribourg, nous vous présentons le Master of Arts in Legal Studies MALS, les études de droit pour les non-juristes :
10.3.2023, 14h00
Infos & inscription https://events.unifr.ch/masterweek/fr/masterweek2023/ius.html
Im Rahmen der Masterweek 2023 der Uni Freiburg präsentieren wir Ihnen den Master of Arts in Legal Studies MALS, das Jusstudium für Nicht-Jurist_innen:
10.3.2023, 14:00
Infos & Anmeldung https://events.unifr.ch/masterweek/de/masterweek-2023/ius.html
#masterweek #unifr #unifrmasterweek23 #legalstudies
Interesting article by Kevin L. Cope on methods for comparative migration law (Intl J Migration and Border St). #comparativelaw #legalscholarship #legalstudies
#legalstudies #legalscholarship #comparativelaw
Today I received publishing offer from Edward Elgar Publishing. Going to edit 'A Research Agenda for Comparative Law' (2024).
Author list:
Geoffrey Samuel
Fernanda Pirie
Jen Morton
Michael Palmer
Jan Engberg
Ralf Michaels
Lena Salaymeh
Thomas Duve
Catalina Goanta
Liu Qiao
yours truly
Book will be a part of Elgar Research Agendas series:
#law #comparativelaw #legalstudies
Today I received publishing offer from Edward Elgar Publishing. Going to edit 'A Research Agenda for Comparative Law' (2024).
Author list:
Geoffrey Samuel
Fernanda Pirie
Jen Morton
Michael Palmer
Jan Engberg
Ralf Michaels
Lena Salaymeh
Thomas Duve
Catalina Goanta
Liu Qiao
yours truly
Book will be a part of Elgar Research Agendas series:
#law #comparativelaw #legalstudies
Waiting (anxiously?) for Geoffrey Samuel's Review Essay of my 'Interdisciplinary Comparative Law' (Elgar 2022) to be published in the Journal of Comparative Law (2022) vol 17. #comparativelaw #legalstudies #lawprofs
#lawprofs #legalstudies #comparativelaw
One year ago I was interviewed by Professor Tuomas Mylly (University of Turku). We discussed #comparativelaw - what it is and how it can be done. Link to video on Youtube:
Please boost for reach!
We're looking for undergrads curious about how marginalized people used the law in the long 19th c & we're ready to train you in critical & digital legal research tools in our 10wk summer program! Priority app deadline is Feb 1: https://go.unl.edu/cg3q
#LegalStudies #DigitalLegalResearch #Legal #research #Undergraduate #History #PoliticalScience #Sociology #EthnicStudies
#legalstudies #DigitalLegalResearch #legal #Research #undergraduate #history #politicalscience #sociology #ethnicstudies
Come to #Hamburg to do your #PhD with the Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of #Law, a structured PhD program in #LegalStudies!
It includes #funding, excellent learning opportunities, and a fabulous #interdisciplinary research environment!
More info at https://www.jura.uni-hamburg.de/en/forschung/ambsl.html#uhh-tabs-0_tab-0
#hamburg #phd #law #legalstudies #funding #interdisciplinary
Podcast on interdisciplinarity and #comparativelaw: Rubbing Shoulders with the Neighbours or Standing Alone in a Crowd — A discussion with yours truly (30 mins).
#legalscholarship #legalstudies #interdisciplinarity #comparativelaw
Introductory chapter of "Interdisciplinary #ComparativeLaw:
Rubbing Shoulders with the Neighbours or Standing Alone in a Crowd"
"Alone in a crowded room?" https://www.elgaronline.com/view/book/9781802209785/book-part-9781802209785-5.xml
#interdisciplinarity #legalstudies #comparativelaw
Since we're all doing #introduction posts, here's mine:
currently halfway through my #masters in #LegalStudies
#law and #politicalscience fascinate me
I love #tabletopgames and #boardgames
that's it. that's the toot.
#introduction #introvert #sociologist #masters #legalstudies #law #politicalscience #tabletopgames #boardgames
Perhaps an #introduction is needed as this site is growing fast: I am professor in law and globalisation (University of Helsinki) and my areas of interest are broadly understood #comparativelaw #legalstudies #legalpluralism #legalhistory #globallaw #legallinguistics #constitutions and #academia
#academia #constitutions #legallinguistics #globallaw #legalhistory #legalpluralism #legalstudies #comparativelaw #introduction