It’s *extremely* rare for a judge to call out a lawyer for not following Bluebook rules. But Judge Huck (S.D. Fla.) recently did just that. Here’s a footnote the Judge included in a recent order.
#LegalWriting #Bluebook #Citations 1/
#legalwriting #bluebook #citations
Anyway, for those craving more, here's my essay in the NC Law Review Forum ( and my original blog post on the Baude and Sachs objections (
A thoughtful essay is up at the Harvard Law Review on the Bluebook and the citation of slave cases. It discusses my recent essay, Prof. Simard's original article, and online commentary from Prof. @willbaude and Prof. Sachs.
One quick thought...
Interesting write-up of the Citing Slavery Project with some discussion of Bluebook Rule 10.7.1(d) regarding so-called "slave cases."
I'm happy to let y'all know that Prof. Stephen and Prof. Celebrezze—who have been visiting with us this year—will be joining our faculty as Assistant Teaching Professors starting in the fall. We're lucky to have them! #LegalWriting (Yes, I know, it's an old news item from the visiting hire last year!)
NEW: For Washington lawyers, or anyone with an interest in appellate precedent, I've got a new piece out in the Wash. St. Bar News. I examine how appellate precedent is playing out in our state courts five years after our Supreme Court's rejection of horizontal stare decisis in the Court of Appeals:
#LawFedi #LegalWriting #AppellateFedi #AppellateMastodon #WSBA
#lawfedi #legalwriting #appellatefedi #AppellateMastodon #wsba
One additional note: When I say this is hilarious, I mean it's funny as something you'd come up with while chatting with coworkers at a happy hour. It's not funny in an actual filing. Lawyers too often overrate cleverness and underrate wisdom.
#LegalWriting #LawFedi
Great things happening at the UW Legal Writing Program! Don't miss the mention of my "legal consultant services."
Congratulations to the great @RachelGurvich for winning the Byrd Award for Excellence and Creativity in Teaching!
The schedule is out for #ALWD2023. Looking good! Can't wait to see y'all in Irvine!
I'm happy to announce that my article in the North Carolina Law Review Forum is now live in its final form: Citation, Slavery, and the Law as Choice: Thoughts on Bluebook Rule 10.7.1(d). Thanks to the student editors who made this possible!
#LegalWriting #LegalCitation #Bluebook #LegalEducation #LawFedi #LawSchool
#legalwriting #legalcitation #bluebook #legaleducation #lawfedi #lawschool
(self-promotional) RT of (tags added)
All students come to law school with rich #RhetoricalExperience, says @rhetoricked
of @TAMULawSchool
in "Centering Students' Rhetorical Knowledge." The essay describes how #PeerReview and #ClassroomWorkshopping can help develop a #CommunityOfInquiry:
#rhetoricalexperience #peerreview #classroomworkshopping #communityofinquiry #legalwriting #TechComm #lawprofs #lawfedi
The #Ethics of #ChatGPT: A #LegalWriting and Ethics Professor’s Perspective - #lawschool #education
#ethics #chatgpt #legalwriting #lawschool #Education
We're hiring some #legalwriting faculty to join us at @howardlawschool. Please spread the word!
NOT a TT position. Successive short-term contracts of one to four years are available. Keeva Terry chairs the search committee.
#LegalWriting April Fools. 😉
RT @MerriamWebster
This one is perfect for social media users!
Use promo "APRILFOOLS30"
A #legalwriting comparative-table example by team @KathrynTewson
The opening: What they’re saying to the court vs. What they’re saying online
RT @djsziff
Interesting article for folks looking at how precedents involving slavery have shaped modern doctrine. cc: @CitingSlavery @JustinLSimard
#Evidence #LegalWriting #Precedent
#evidence #legalwriting #precedent
.@EllieMargolis’s interest in #LegalWriting timelines came to mind when I read yesterday’s DOJ report.
[The report also uses permalinks and that makes me extra happy!]
@design_law @legallysocial @markpmckenna
Oh no. Should I make an exception to my general "No Jokes" rule for written opinions? No. No I should not.
Okay, how about: "If the district court erred then gruyere too...."