A new album by #EdwardKaSpel is out on #BandCamp :blobcatmusic:
#lpd #legendarypinkdots #BandCamp #edwardkaspel
If you're into such things, massive amounts of the Legendary Pink Dots catalogue is #PayWhatYouWant on #Bandcamp today.
#teargarden #nijmegen #psychedelic #legendarypinkdots #bandcamp #paywhatyouwant
#LegendaryPinkDots Live in Paris au Petit Bain 27 Fevrier 2023
Dig Randall Frazier's #Swans t-shirt
#swans #legendarypinkdots #amlistening #nowplaying
I agree with all that. I'm just saying don't forget life. It's happening while time passes. A little bit of existential angst is good for you if you face it head on, but you can't live like that all the time. You have people to love, poems to write. My favorite band #LegendaryPinkDots is all over the subjects of #apocalypse and #dystopia, and their motto is "Sing While You May." If you were German and knew Hitler was coming wouldn't you want to see the Three Penny Opera?
#legendarypinkdots #apocalypse #dystopia
#Computers, #AI, #ArtificialIntelligence, #Robots, #PornoForPirates, #LegendaryPinkDots
What do y'all think? Do I sound completely high or am I onto something?
#computers #ai #artificialintelligence #robots #pornoforpirates #legendarypinkdots
Edward Ka Spel is so hard to keep up with, he's so prolific. I recently found this gem. You never quite know what to expect from Ka Spel - he'll try anything as long as it flows. But this one actually kind of slams.
#EdwardKaSpel, #LegendaryPinkDots, #Music, #AlrternativeMusic, #ExperimentalMusic
#edwardkaspel #legendarypinkdots #music #alrternativemusic #experimentalmusic
#Photo #LegendaryPinkDots @pinkdots @PetitBain @Paris 2023-02-27 https://www.photosconcerts.com/legendary-pink-dots-paris-petit-bain-2023-02-27-14969 #PhotosConcerts #RobertGil
#photo #legendarypinkdots #photosconcerts #robertgil
Good to find you over here since I'm not using any other social media. Just found your website (looking up Virgil Pink and #LegendaryPinkDots). If you want to have a convo about eclectic, extremely underground music hmu.
This is what #Christianity feels like to me now. Maybe it's always been this way?
#EdwardKa-spel, #LegendaryPinkDots, #music, #ExperimentalRock
#christianity #edwardka #legendarypinkdots #music #experimentalrock
Close Your Eyes, You Can Be A Space Captain – The #LegendaryPinkDots in the 1980s
… gerade frisch eingetroffener Lese– & Hörstoff zur Lieblingsband. 🤩
Close Your Eyes You Can Be A Space Captain – The #LegendaryPinkDots in the 1980s
… gerade frisch eingetroffener Lese– & Hörstoff zur Lieblingsband. 🤩
Nice bit of archival #music history just now up on #Bandcamp -- the #LegendaryPinkDots have made their first actual home recorded cassette, #OnlyDreaming, available. A lot of familiar songs from various comps and reissues but still, here's where the four decades plus of singing while you may began. https://legendarypinkdots1.bandcamp.com/album/only-dreaming
#music #bandcamp #legendarypinkdots #onlydreaming
On my play pile today.
Tear Garden feat. Edward KaSpel/Cevin Key
“The Last Man to Fly” 1992
“Tobe an Angel Blind, The Crippled Soul Divide” 1996
“Crystal Mass” 2000 “
#cds #cdcollection #music #experimentalmusic #musik #industrialmusic #psychedelia #cevinkey #edwardkaspel #legendarypinkdots #skinnypuppy #collaboration #NowListeningTo
#cds #cdcollection #music #experimentalmusic #musik #industrialmusic #psychedelia #cevinkey #edwardkaspel #legendarypinkdots #skinnypuppy #collaboration #nowlisteningto
One of my favorite #LegendaryPinkDots songs and one of their most approachable (they can get pretty weird and I'm here for it). They have a huge catalog. I should make a playlist.... I love #EdwardKa-spel's lyrics.
Also check out Virgil Pink's YouTube channel. He makes a compelling videos for a lot of underrated and obscure bands.
Belated introduction. Been here a while, but I just learned how to pin posts.
I have a ton of interests: #democracy, #music, #art, #books, #science, #ScienceFiction, #scifi, #cinema, #CarlJung, #DonnieDarko, #WorldMusic, #LegendaryPinkDots, #TheChameleons, #AvantGarde, #HipHop, #BillyWoods, #African, #Psychedelic, #Tolerance, #UnitarianUniversalist, #eclectic, #cultures, #history, #writing, #literature, #storytelling, #celiac, #Underground, #caves, #nature, #ElPaso, #FolkMusic, #LatinAmerica.
#democracy #music #art #books #science #sciencefiction #scifi #cinema #carljung #donniedarko #worldmusic #legendarypinkdots #thechameleons #avantgarde #hiphop #billywoods #african #psychedelic #tolerance #unitarianuniversalist #eclectic #cultures #history #writing #literature #storytelling #celiac #underground #caves #nature #elpaso #folkmusic #latinamerica
@Bishopjoey Love those guys. I've been obsessed since someone slid me an mp3 in the Napster days. I kinda feel like they prepared me for the times we're living in. Ka-Spel is a prophet. Seen them live several times - you should see their merch table... Needles (Version Sirius) is absolutely hair-raising isn't it?
#LegendaryPinkDots are one of my favourite bands. There are literally dozens of releases on #Bandcamp from their 40+ year journey. This reissue of their 1998 Pre-Millenial Single is lovely... https://legendarypinkdots1.bandcamp.com/album/the-pre-millennial-single-extended-2012-remaster
"Brighter Now" is the first LP album by LEGENDARY PINK DOTS. It was released on December 7, 1982. #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInMusicHistory #LegendaryPinkDots #alternativerock #musicnews
#musicnews #alternativerock #legendarypinkdots #onthisdayinmusichistory #onthisday
#Music in heavy rotation these days #nickcave #stereolab #coltrane #bach #mfdoom #can #smiths #brianeno #leonardcohen #coil #stevereich #pharoahsanders #swans #talkingheads #hüskerdü #legendarypinkdots
#films : #Östlund #davidlynch #criterion
#lit #poetry etc : #kafka #dostoevsky #faulkner #davidfosterwallace #bolano #maggienelson #rebeccasolnit #louiseglück #vollman
#music #nickcave #stereolab #coltrane #bach #MFDOOM #can #smiths #brianeno #leonardcohen #coil #stevereich #pharoahsanders #films #ostlund #davidlynch #criterion #lit #poetry #kafka #dostoevsky #faulkner #DavidFosterWallace #bolano #maggienelson #RebeccaSolnit #louisegluck #vollman #legendarypinkdots #swans #talkingheads #huskerdu
Time to throw out some hashtags to see if I can attract some CONVERSATIONS. Off the top of my head:
#ScienceFiction, #cinema, #CarlJung, #DonnieDarko, #WorldMusic, #LegendaryPinkDots, #TheChameleons, #AvantGarde, #HipHop, #Backpacker, #BillyWoods, #African, #Colombian, #Psychedelic, #Tolerance, #UnitarianUniversalist, #Mexico, #TripHop, #JamesBaldwin, #Goth, #culture, #GravitysRainbow, #InfiniteJest, #Atlanta, #celiac, #MrRobot, #BeauOfTheFifthColumn, #Vaush, #Progressive
#sciencefiction #cinema #carljung #donniedarko #worldmusic #legendarypinkdots #thechameleons #avantgarde #hiphop #backpacker #billywoods #african #colombian #psychedelic #tolerance #unitarianuniversalist #mexico #triphop #jamesbaldwin #goth #culture #gravitysrainbow #infinitejest #atlanta #celiac #mrrobot #beauofthefifthcolumn #vaush #progressive