"all the exploitativeness, hypocrisy, folly and futility of America’s current entanglement in the Middle East, from which, much like Paul, a deeply dug-in Coalition is struggling to extricate itself." BURIED screens 9pm on #LegendChannel https://projectedfigures.com/2015/06/27/frightfest-2010-diary-day-4/#Buried
Maternity and mayhem in a medina: Howard J. Ford's abduction thriller NEVER LET GO (2015) is like FLIGHTPLAN or a gender-inversed TAKEN in North Africa. 9pm this evening on #LegendChannel https://projectedfigures.com/2016/09/27/never-let-go-2015/
"this little village by the woods of north-eastern Europe stands in for modern Israel – with the Paz brothers showing the tragedy of a country born of violence & doomed to keep resurrecting it":
Doron Paz & Yoav Paz's THE GOLEM (2018), screens 10.50pm this evening on the UK's #LegendChannel #Horror #JewishHorror
#legendchannel #horror #jewishhorror