I was able to get away for a short trip into the #GenCon Exhibit Hall to check out some cool new #LegendOfThe5Rings stuff
@LeviKornelsen I've been an RPG nerd since I discovered #RIFTS back in the 90s, but it's the other games of the era that are my true loves: #VampireTheMasquerade, the #WorldOfDarkness in general, #Kult, #Shadowrun, #UnknownArmies, #BluePlanet, #DeltaGreen, #LegendOfThe5Rings, but I’ve also fallen in love with #PoweredByTheApocalypse stuff and #BladesInTheDark. Always happy to talk about any of those.
By day, I'm the Director of Events at #GenCon, so also always happy to chat about conventions.
#VampireTheMasquerade #worldofdarkness #KULT #shadowrun #UnknownArmies #BluePlanet #deltagreen #legendofthe5rings #PoweredByTheApocalypse #bladesinthedark #GenCon #Rifts