Counting Down Our Favorite Games: #50-#41 - What Could They Be??
#AdventureGameHotspot #UnrealTournament #BookofUnwrittenTales #BrokenSword5 #LegendofZeldaaLinktothePast #SuperSmashBrosMelee #SoulCalibur2 #TexmurphyThePandoraDirective #LordoftheRingsOnline #TheLongestJourney #Privateer
#adventuregamehotspot #unrealtournament #bookofunwrittentales #brokensword5 #legendofzeldaalinktothepast #supersmashbrosmelee #soulcalibur2 #texmurphythepandoradirective #lordoftheringsonline #thelongestjourney #privateer
#NES - #LegendOfZelda
#SNES - #LegendOfZeldaALinkToThePast
#Sega - #Sonic (I didn't have a Sega growing up so only got to play Sonic when I could)
#PS1 - #FinalFantasyTactics
#PS2 - #FinalFantasy10
#PC - #FinalFantasy11 (My all time ever favorite game ever of all time)
#PS3 - #Destiny1
#PS4 - #Destiny #Destiny2
#PS5 - #Destiny2
#Xbox - #StubbsTheZombie (excellent soundtrack)
#Xbox360 - #TheLastRemnant
#PSP - #Patapon or #EveryExtendExtra
#nes #legendofzelda #snes #legendofzeldaalinktothepast #sega #sonic #ps1 #finalfantasytactics #ps2 #finalfantasy10 #pc #finalfantasy11 #ps3 #destiny1 #PS4 #destiny #destiny2 #ps5 #xbox #stubbsthezombie #xbox360 #thelastremnant #psp #patapon #everyextendextra #shareyourgames
#GTKM Get to Know Me from some of my favorite #videogames :
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#gtkm #videogames #dwarffortress #dungeoncrawlstonesoup #factorio #thebindingofisaac #spacestation13 #supermeatboy #rimworld #distantworlds2 #prisonarchitect #cogmind #neoscavenger #ultimaonline #crusaderkingsiii #commandops2 #dominions5 #mushihimesama #supermetroid #legendofzeldaalinktothepast #steamcurator
@bloodaxe after nearly 4 decades, how can I pick just 7?..
1. #FinalFantasyVI
2. #SecretMana
3. #LegendOfZeldaALinkToThePast
4. #HollowKnight
5. #StarCraft
6. #DiabloII
7. #CaveStory
#finalfantasyvi #secretmana #legendofzeldaalinktothepast #hollowknight #starcraft #diabloii #cavestory #gaming #linuxgaming